What does Any Forums think of Vidya tattoos?

What does Any Forums think of Vidya tattoos?

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This one's honestly not bad

Degenerates with tattoos should be publicly executed.

Regular tattoos are already pretty cringy, vidya tattoos are just like, fucking lmfao yikes

Imagine getting a tattoo of a Berserk knockoff symbol

guys turn 20 and base their entire personality around american psycho, berserk and drive

That's actually pretty cool looking
Issue is with most vidya tattoos is they look tacky. It's like branding yourself with a corporate logo. All you've done is announced that you're a good consumer.

struggle on struggler


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tattoos are for disgusting, uneducated niggers. your body is sacred so take care of it instead of drawing garbage onto your skin.

Imagine taking fashion advice from Any Forums users

The height of cringe in all circumstances

all tattoos are cringe

I have one
Its good

>your body is sacred
imagine thinking this highly of yourself

wouldn't recommend. My gf made me get one and I regret it.

that sacrifice mark is incomplete, did the guy pay for half of it or something?

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really fucked up by making it distressed, shit just looks like you rubbed a newspaper on your arm

no wonder you nerds will die a virgin

You fucked up the Brand of Sacrifice, faggot.

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>Brand of Sacrifice

Literally the most generic anime tattoo, you might as well get the Akatsuki Cloud or the Fairy Tail symbol. I see those a lot at anime conventions as well.

Pretty cringe, OP
Pic related is mine
Also have the lake rune in my left biceps

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it's the hunter's mark from Bloodborne

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tattoos are like stickers on a pc, it makes the whole thing look cheap and juvenile

its cringe and gay as fuck, and this isnt even video game discussion

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glad my anime stickers on my car make me look mature

got these when i was 19
what do you think bros

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lol, he put it upside down

what is the point of getting a tattoo?

>Get arrested
>Cop who watches me strip and shower says, "gee, no tattoos yet at your age?"
>Guy is ripped and has tattoos all over his arms
That actually made me think about getting some. Problem is, my tastes change, and I don't want to be permanently stuck with whatever I think is cool at one specific time.

the razer one almost comes off as so bad its good

they look cool

Makes sense, they look like those lick-n-stick ones.

I almost got an AC tattoo back when ACB was the shit. I'm glad I didn't seeing how the series went to shit immediately after.


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This is why God forsook us.

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