E3 was cancelled because game studios have nothing to show

>E3 was cancelled because game studios have nothing to show

Welp, we got all our games early this year. I hope you're ready for literally nothing exciting until MAYBE holiday 2022. You can look forward to nothing coming out for Spring, Summer, or Fall. I hope you have a big backlog to play through. Dark times indeed. Dark times.

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we will make videogames great again
been doing that recently

So? There's over 40 years worth of games to play.

this is the first time I've ever had someone cross thread reply to me that I know of in like 13 years of using this shit site. Neat

Who the fuck cares about e3? Its always the most popular shit masked by the stupidest circle jerking of AAA studios.


>E3 was cancelled because game studios have nothing to show
Who are you quoting?
Nintendo will still have their Direct
Sony will still have their State of Play
Microsoft will still have whatever their thing is called
Geoff will still do his Summer of Games thing that will take three months to show what would normally get shown in two days at E3
Stop with the doomsayer routine

Trump won
The vaccine lost

E3 is tradition and good for shit posting threads. State of play and Nintendo direct aren't as fun

>E3 was cancelled because game studios have nothing to show

I fucking doubt that is the reason.
Even if it is true companies rather have their own small conferences / streams and present shit in their own terms. It is infinitely cheaper than paying for a booth.

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Kek, alright.

Its not about games, all is for the show

Are you the guy that was having that antisemitic rant in the other thread?

I seriously wish that wasn't april fool's

E3 was one of the funnest part of gaming culture
Why'd they collectively decide to kill it? Surely it made a lot of people a lot of money by advertising games.

I seriously dont care.

Trump and I both believe in Israeli supremacy. You must be thinking of some white cuck.

This is like the first time someone replied to me with a reaction image and it was so fitting it had me laughing. And for some reason im still here.

>Elden Ring made the entire western game industry seethe so hard they all collectively quit
Truly the videogame to end all videogames.

Doesn't the average COD sell as much as Elden Ring on one console?

>One less reveal possibility for dragons dogma 2
I cant take this bros

no how will i consume new product and get excited for new product

Oh no! not my heckin video game commercials that would've been online immediately afterwards anyway,,,,,,,

>Who the fuck cares about e3?
Me god dammit. I participated in the Squilliam collages.

I just want to watch Microsoft and Nintendo's shit. Everything else is pointless filler and if they just want to do Inside Xbox and Nintendo Direct on their own time sometime in the summer that's fine by me.

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Any Forums3 2022 was postponed as well

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