I love my Tamagotchi

I love my Tamagotchi

Do you love YOUR Tamagotchi?

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Tamagotchi lost all soul when Mimitchi stopped being the icon character

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I wanted one so bad as a kid. Never got one but then got into Pokemon and digimon so it's alright

Digimon are just Tamagotchis that fight anyway

Giving mine another go.

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I used to, but them fucking alt-trans stole my fucking Kuchipatchi, i miss him so much

I have a really hard time appreciating the color models

i liked the duck form
cleaning away the turds was just a lame “feature” and the babby form was the worst offender which dissuaded me from resetting it

Am I doing it right?

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I really hope the Tama Smart and the Digimon Vital Bracelet don't get Konami in the habit of locking characters behind physical DLC. It's completely ridiculous.

i lost it. i have the box original box still for some reason but the tamagotchi itself is gone

This shit is for little girls

I was poor. I had a Giga Pet

Back at their peak they were for little boys too

>wasn’t a kid in 1998
It shows

No way fag

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My first one so I'm having fun. Are the classic one's different?

i want bandai to make a regular device that uses the DIMcards. fuck that child size vital bracelet thing.

The simplicity and size of the classic models make them feel more like an actual virtual pet that you throw in your pocket and come with you everywhere. They are less "human" without having things like houses and towns to walk around in and stuff, not to mention requiring a lot more frequent attention to keep alive so leaving your Tama at home for a whole day isn't really an option

It's really just a very different type of experience

The new ones are solid toys, don't get me wrong, but they just evolved the brand in a different direction than a lot of classic fans would have preferred with less of a focus on raising and more of a focus on companionship

It really is the gayest shit.

The squad

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