It's out. Pokeshills on suicide watch

It's out. Pokeshills on suicide watch.

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so when's the lawsuit?

Stop shilling your shit game

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>no switch release
almost picked it up out of curiosity, but I just want to lay down all day

Has nintendo ever put a lawsuit against a game that is not blatantly stealing assets or characters?

>those overworld sprites

Aw sweet a Coromon thre-
>Pokemon in the OP
Nevermind, thread's DoA
It was gonna come out for Switch too but they ran into some problems and had to delay. Hopefully no more than a week or two.

I didn't open the steam link but those 2 in OP are some of the least pokemon like monsters I've ever seen, I don't think trying to complain about where they are standing is going to hold up in court either.

I don't think they ever even sued the flappy bird guy

Is there multiplayer?

This is from the 1st trailer on steam.
Also the graphics and animation are top notch, was ready to dismiss right way but it really caught my attention.

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Yep, different formats too. Should be cross platform when the mobile and Switch versions drop.

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Which one Any Forums?

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>Also the graphics and animation are top notch

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This game actually looks pretty good. Gj shilling op

This game looks boring as hell

might give it a pirate though

the big shark for fuckin

>watch out pokemon
>now you have to compete with.. pokemon

Wow how will they survive this one.

Nintendo has literally never filed a frivolous lawsuit despite how much gamers seethe over them.

>screen shake

I'm still waiting on that tem/tem switch port

Honest question, why?
The game is going to look and run like shit on the Switch hardware.
Why not play it on literally any other platform and get 60 fps + good visuals?

Cool pixel art, shame it's gonna be DOA because of all the smoothbrains leaving bad reviews because the game doesn't work for them

Why not release it on switch with multiplayer locked until it's fixed? Ffs I was plannIng on buying the switch version. I don't want this shit on PC even though I have 45 hours on the demo. I want it on switch so I can smoke on the back porch and catch coromon as well as grind. They didn't even announce a delay date. What kind of fuckup is this?

post the dex

Looks just as bad as Gen 5. Have fun, I guess

Don't you understand? You CAN'T beat pokemon. It's all that's left of the 'monster battling' genre. If you're too similar, people will wonder why they're not playing pokemon instead. If you're too different, they'll complain about how it's not like pokemon. They'll complain it's for babies if it's too easy and that it's for sweaty neckbeards if it's too hard.

The pixel art is good and I'm sure it plays fine but you're trying to compete in a solved market. There's no growth here. If you really want to make money go copy The Sims or Animal Crossing, which are games where there are real vocal complaints that can be solved by a team that isn't as lazy as their existing dev teams.