Vidya with the same feel as Die Hard?

Vidya with the same feel as Die Hard?

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Sau Paolo...home.

Attached: MP3.jpg (900x1400, 310.89K)

>Bruce Willis retired due to Aphasia
Man this world is kinda fucked up isn't it


Die Hard Arcade

Best christmas movie ever.

he has shoes??

Attached: 1401727537100.jpg (720x509, 166.4K)

Die Hard Nakatomi Plaza on PC (has Reginald Vel Johnson too)


really the only correct answer. maybe RE 1 remake also.

Attached: DRSSsEmXkAAP0a8.jpg (599x437, 70.7K)

Good answer

Batman: Arkham Asylum

Also a good answer

unironically this

Die Hard Vendetta

Attached: DieHard.jpg (1280x720, 191.32K)

>3rd instalment is the best
Checks out.

Half Life

Max Payne 3

Attached: hentai europe.jpg (2034x2048, 452.34K)

Die Hard on the NES is the only movie-accurate version of Die Hard. It's surprisingly accurate adaption of the movie.

Attached: 2361664-nes_diehard.jpg (701x960, 123.06K)

Based Denmark

1 feels way more like the first Die Hard, it even ends in the same exact setting as the movie.

This, I'm surprised more people don't cite Die Hard as an MGS influence and focus on Eacape from New York more despite only having the mcs share a name

based italy, clearly most of Europe is corrupted


Have you seen his latest movies? It's better this way and he has been struggling for years

die hard: the game

fakku is based? what pos site do you use werido