Elden Ring

Is it settled that these are the worst enemies in the game?

Attached: crucible-knight-art-elden-ring-wiki-300px.jpg (300x255, 13.81K)

Revenants and teleporting knights are worse

All Crucible Knights attacks are fair

parry, jump when they fly and charge or tail swipe. very easy enemy.

They're the best

I’m so fucking sick of Elden Ring. Soulsborne games are often held up as “the best ever”, and Elden Ring has plastered this board. Oh cool, yet another soulsborne game that just looks and feels like a copy of every other soulsborne game. I don’t get the hype for these over games with new and interesting combat mechanics like Horizon. Maybe it has something to do with the fact Horizon has some biting social commentary folks don’t like to think about.

Elden Ring looks exactly like every other Soulsborne game. Meanwhile, Horizon has unique combat with a wide variety of tools (Forbidden West DRASTICALLY increased the number of weapons and effects over the first without feeling like bloat, an impressive feat), and when anyone posts actual combat (as above in this comment chain) and expresses love for it, you faggots rip on them.

From a game design perspective, Soulsborne games just feel lazy to me. Their difficulty is artificially inflated by not telling you anything. That’s not good game design, it’s a lazy way to artificially pump up the difficulty.

>user got filtered by the Black K***hts


Attached: 1619124115647.gif (220x265, 1.17M)

This. The teleporting would be fine if they tested it like a player doing it, ie if you're casting it and you get hit, you get hit out of it but it's just a full 1-2 second iframe that opens you up if you attack. Doesn't help that they spam it relentlessly.

They're the ONLY good enemy design in the game.

The opposite. They're the best, I always looked forward to fighting them.

lol no

Attached: trio of pain.png (1200x676, 688.24K)

If you think this you are clearly at the beginning of the game. Crucible knights are probably the best enemies in the game. My favorite enemy at least.

Attached: 20220306225921_1.jpg (2560x1440, 670.08K)

You forgot the knife eagles

bears aren't that bad just bloated with health
pog spergs are the absolute worst and a good example of what makes elden ring not even in the top 3 of from games
hands can be set on fire and dealt with easily

too bad for the duo fight instead of beefing them up they just said lol lets just make the player fight two of them at the same time and they constantly hug each other so you can't even approach without a summon

No way. The duo fights are total cancer but individually they are very well made and fair.

The grafted retards are made to be cheesed every time. Otherwise there's a 10% chance they'll just do an autistic tracking flail attack with infinite stamina that just kills you every tuime

>high health
>infinite combos with no windup
>stagger resistant
>high damage
>massive lunging attacks
>can cancel out of everything with combos
Who the fuck thought revenants were ok? The fact that they get instantly btfo’d by heals doesn’t excuse how awful they are, Jesus Christ

The only one that can compete with bloodbirds on equal footing there is revenant

>snipe him to half health
>he flies off the bridge and kills himself
kek what a dumbass

Those faggot fucked up giant crows are even worse than the bears.

Royal revenant and birds are by far the worst

Crucible Knights have nothing on Caelid back in the prototype version.

Attached: Caelid in beta.png (1920x1080, 2.18M)