Lego Star Wars dump coming soon

Lego Star Wars dump coming soon

Attached: IMG_0628.jpg (1125x1586, 1.42M)

Attached: FO2ddV9XMAIDbhB.png (1080x1440, 2.89M)



The original trilogy
George Lucas's Prequels
Disney's fan fiction

I hope on snitch dump

It's definitely on its way. I have a source that might be able to get me the deluxe edition tomorrow

hopefully it gets dumped by the weekend
also i hope the switch version isnt too shit

Where's the Lego Rogue One.

True, it is a pretty bold decision to make games out of the Holiday Special and the Ewok movies, but I think it can work out.


Attached: 3949397-legostarwarstheskywalkersaga-rogueonecharacterpack.jpg (1280x1407, 437.86K)

>Character Pack
Seems like we won't get Rogue One levels and planets

Unfortunately no

>shitty kb+m controls 10 years in a row
still not interested until they optimize

When are we getting Lego Star Wars: Holiday Special?

thinking about obscure Star Wars properties they could make into a lego game and I just remembered Solo. what the fuck was that about

November 17th, 2020

Attached: latest-12.jpg (1080x1350, 1.79M)

is that supposed to be Jyn?

can't be since she isn't scowling

I'm going to wait for reviews and I'm not going to watch a ton of footage as I don't want anything spoiled. TCS is one of my favorite games and I'm hoping it's at least half as good.

>still consuming star wars
come on people, enough is enough

just buy a controller. not every game is meant to be played on mkb, just like how some games are better played on mkb over controller.

Not your screenshots kill yourself

What is with this modern obsession with using KB+M for literally every game? In the 90s and 00s EVERYONE had multiple controllers for their PC if they played games on it. You'd have a joystick for flight games, a gamepad for platformers, and probably a gimmick controller or two. When the Xbox 360 wired controller got official support in Windows 7 it was revolutionary because we FINALLY had a standard gamepad that would work without issue. But in the last 10 years I've been noticing shitloads of people online refusing to play anything on PC with anything other than KB+M and I don't understand what caused this shift. It's fucking weird, the whole point of PC is personalization and being able to use whatever controls best suit the game you're playing.

I just want to know if it'll work on my laptop. The answer's probably no, but still

Controllers cost £20-50 for me above absolute garbage tier without factoring in the possible need for adapters. It's not like spending £5 on a cheap gamepad

Attached: steam_2022-03-31_15-05-07.png (650x228, 19.73K)

I checked the specs already but I want to know *exactly* how bad. I can run Doom 2016 on low settings 30fps so it depends on a bunch of stuff