It's an invisible bridge

>It's an invisible bridge
>that you have to turn left!

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niggee there is snow falling on it showing you the way
didnt you read the riddle at the tower entrance

The penitent man kneels before God, user

Shit design as per usual.

there is literally indication for where you need to go if you look closely
unlike that fucking garbage in DS1

No, I haven't. I was minding my own business and saw signs floating in the air.

the catacomb dungeon on the way to the haligtree is much worse

No there isn't. There are some slight white glowing patches.

>Rolls past sawblades

>if you sucked so much at Dark Souls you didn't reach the crystal cave
>you don't get to finish this puzzle

Absolute kino move desu.

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tanimura moment
he made the bridge but it didn't connect with the tower because he's an incompetent faggot
so he had to make a fucking ramp to side
+ his snow effect is literally missing
tanimura is should be fired ASAP

also a tanimura moment

It was foggy as shit the entire time I was in that zone no way in fuck could I see some tiny particle effect hitting the bridge

There aren't any.

>crystal flakes land on the invisible path showing where to go
Elden Ring
>Snow will continue to fall through the invisible path and the only markings is a slight white fog that may or may not disappear randomly and only at certain points

This exact thing Is in DS1

>see broken railing
>see message about secret passage
>drop a stone
>it breaks and screams
Literally how was I supposed to know

Same. I thought the bridge would show itself i I use the sentry torch. But nope. Wasted mechanic.

these people play online, so they have lots of messages and blood stains showing its a secret. they dont have to explore or do anything like that.

there's no effect
tanimura forgot to test it
tanimura deserves to be hanged

you were supposed to see the bridge from far
but tanimura is a faggot

>"The Beast Eye is quivering..."
>no deathroot in sight
>explore more thoroughly, see enemies down below and a broken railing
>drop Rainbow Stone

>ds1 had particles that visible hit the bridges
>elden ring doesn't despite having a statue heavily imply thats how you solve the puzzle

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The snow is an overlay VFX, not even a particle system inside the world.
If you jumo while snowing, every single flock of snow will jump with you. Extremely uncanny and weird.

hoarfrost stomp will reveal it for you. only animates on ground, so will outline the pathway for you.