Would you watch a movie about video game development?

would you watch a movie about video game development?

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Disgusting druggie.

And Morrowind is also one of the most inspired western RPG's in terms of atmosphere, writing, and art direction.

that's completely made up by the way

>dude drugs hahahahahahahahahahahahawhahahahahahahaha

he just drank

>a cow noise plays every 45 seconds while you walk around the ugly world where they ctrl+c ctrl+v'd mushrooms where trees should be
Wow so atmospheric and unique

He was an alcoholic not a drug addict. I don't know if he still is or if he got help. If he could have beaten it he still would work for Bethesda.
Sad story. So much promise pissed away.

taking both of those at the same time seems like a way to ruin the trip for both.

I already did. Indie game the movie, and although not a movie the Doublefine production videos

It was inspiredby the Hindu faith. By inspired I mean ripped off.
They didn't even bother to change some of the nomenclature.

only if it's as in-depth as something like the preproduction for The Emperor's New Groove
The Sweatbox or something? Disney wasn't happy that got out
unless it shows that level of depth and care from the people in it I wouldn't wanna see it
because it would probably truly be a "movie" about """video game development"""

this isnt true btw

No. I can't even remember the last time that I watched a modern movie.

yes give me the riot games and acti-blizz exclusives on exploiting female workers

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Anyone that takes drugs or drinks alcohol is a degenerate and should be culled. Why would you want to alter the mind that God gifted you?

God also gifted us drugs though

>george patton looks on in disgust as joy shows crabman she had in fact washed her panties that day


Jesus turned water into finest of wines just because they ran out of it on wedding
you cunt


is there anything faggier and more affected than pretending to be a fundie on this site?

do you know how much of a faggot you sound like? "fundie." get a load of this fucking faggot. let's all laugh at this stupid fucking nigger.

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They didn't have a word to separate fruit juice from wine back then user.