Why do multiplayer games have so many people being shitters and taking pride in being so to the point that they beg for...

Why do multiplayer games have so many people being shitters and taking pride in being so to the point that they beg for things to be dumbed down?

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It's funny. The shitters were the people who relied entirely on fort building. All they used were shotguns and couldn't aim for shit otherwise.
So once they took away the only thing they were remotely good at. They couldn't deal with any opposition due to their absolute dogshit aim.

>uuum ACKSHALLY, people being good at a games main-mechanic makes THEM the shitters heh heh

Holy sad cope. Go play Soulsshit or something where you pretend you're a god-gamer for abusing braindead AI.

what a fucking retard

They thought autistically building castles in the sky was skilled and just built until the target forgot about them

they have tried many things over the last couple years to keep turbo building a strong defensive option while introducing guns/utility that beat it. they never really found a good middle ground and all it really did was piss off the pro scene they were trying to build up at the time. I don't play the game anymore but before I stopped playing all they really did was these cash cups for the competitive crowd and the game is not nearly as sweaty as it used to be player base wise like in 2019 so I think having a no build mode to cater to the lowest denominator is okay. More people will find the game fun this way since the skill floor with building is still more than most people will enjoy.

I do find it funny that people are so on board to play now and purchase skins because "Apex is ugly" now that building is gone. I wonder how much Timmy is making off of this one.

oh no our stupid gimmick that we ported over from the pve game is gone, now we'll have to rely on actual aiming and good mechanics

New take-up of the game was cratering and they needed new blood in the playerbase to keep EGS afloat.

Is this real? I might give it a try again

People cannot handle any game mechanic that changes the formula away from "point gun and shoot." Literally any time something unique or slightly unintuitive is introduced that adds depth or character to a game, people shit their pants because they don't want to bother learning it or getting good at it. They just want to play the same game over and over forever.

Found said shitters

Yeah, it is a permanent mode because of a player uptick. Play with controller on a console to avoid needing to install the launcher and because you don't need paid online for the game.

Too bad Aiming doesn't matter because it's RNG determines if the bullet wants to hit in the middle of the crosshairs.

>ITT: Shitters who would get stomped routinely by players who could build faster AND aim better are now thinking that they will be able to finally "show their true skills" off but will just once again be beaten by the same people who always could play the game better than them but now have to worry about significantly less actions per minute

So it's just called Nite now?

What about a build mode where building is only useful in a pre-emptive tactical sense, like building a base before the enemy gets to you, or for getting around

If you just made it so walls dont block bullets until they are fully built, and the building speed is slower (but you can still walk on them instantly)

never played it but ive been tempted by the removal of building, i hear they added more movement options too, it sounds like a thirdperson arena shooter now

dont insult the majestic arena shooter with such words

lol i see we're at the bargaining stage

imagine being a shittard zoomer and caring about the biggest dogshit game out there

haven't played it in 4 years and never got good at building

>shitters and casuals all play no building mode
>tryhards and pros play building mode
>tryhards not being able to farm shitters and casuals anymore
>instead they get farmed by the pros

Love to see it

Keep seething, coping and don't forget to dilate you ADHS zoomertroons

i dont play
i played a tiny bit years ago and hated building

>actions per minute being used as a term for a shooter
Can you not understand why people find this autistic?

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Wasn't this game's entire zoomer appeal that it was the unholy fusion of Minecraft build autism and PUBG battle royales?

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>AIM better
But people who build are factually terrible at aiming. Which is why they all use Shotguns.

the zoomer appeal was that it was free and pubg cost 30 dollars

Not really. For most of the first season building was to fortify and get you to places. Once people started learning edits and turbo build people learnt to use it as a way to box and zone other players.

You never see actual forts in fortnite anymore because some Autist is going to crank 90s until he can edit into a shotgun and kill you.

Also whenver items were added that made building weaker the pros shat themselves so stuff got removed hence theres no fucking traps whatsoever. I miss the days when you could bait people into spike traps or shock/darts.

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if the original mode is still in the game, why does it matter?
is it because you can't actually play against people who are good at building, and you don't want to improve your mediocre skills?

What buildfags refuse to understand is that something can be hard and also not be fun to have in the game at the same time. The game would be a lot more difficult if you were forced to chop off a finger in real life every time you took damage! It would be so hard that nobody would be able to bring themselves to do it! That said, cutting off your fingers isn't very fun.
There's also the issue of how the unfun nature of building has nothing to do with your skill level. When I first started and couldn't build, I thought it was really lame that people could just spam walls to block my shots and I essentially just had to wait for them to be done before I could continue playing the game. Now what I do know how to build I feel exactly the same way because me knowing how to build doesn't stop them from doing that same wallspam strategy. Me learning to build didn't suddenly change everyone else's playstyle to a more fun one, they still just play the exact same way with building.
The unique, game-defining mechanic of Fortnite being "building" is a stupid cope by weak brained morons who have been playing the game since they were 11 years old and have to rationalize all that time wasted on learning a skill that's detrimental to the game overall. The fact that player numbers are at a record high once building was removed should tell you all you need to know.

I’m unironically downloading it rn because I’m interesting in trying it without the autistic building

Like honestly no build will be amazing if they add some prefab items, Like we already have port a fort and port a fortress. Just add a couple more varients.

You didn't beat the game.

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