Millenialbros... we're going home

Millenialbros... we're going home.

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I read all the hp books as a kid, and now as an adult it's pretty sweet how rowling has pissed everyone off. I'll probably check it out

Needs romance and sex scenes

I swear you guys are like fucking bronies.

The likelihood of a new Merula or Cassandra is looking grim, Frens

I watched the movies during the pandemic because I had nothing better to do at home, and I really liked the first 3, the rest are forgetable trash.
I'd probably get this because I miss Bully.

>Ash and Dragon Heartstring 12 1/2 inch

It's the same with the books, 3 is the peak then more or less declines in order

I swear you're retarded.

Growing up is realizing that Hufflepuff is the chad house

>Poplar Phoenix core 12 ¼"
>Quite bendy

that’s the reddit house

why is your patronus a fucking car?

When's Cassandra's chink game coming out?

Chad energy

Still unknown

The virgin Harry Potter wizards:
>hide away from the non-magical folk to avoid being genocided
>avoid using their magic on non-magical folk
>hide their school in the middle of the cold and damp ass highlands
>wave little twigs around
>couldn't stand up to one dark lord and two dozen cronies
>only eat big dinners at school
>rise the ranks by reading books, passing tests and making new discoveries like a bunch of nerds
>most powerful wizard got his title by cheating with the Elder Hax Wand
>afraid of death

The Chad Discworld wizards:
>live among non-magical folk, openly display their magical status
>use their magic on anyone who fucks with them, give zero fucks
>put their school smack bang in the middle of their world's biggest city
>use solid oak six foot staffs with knobs on the end
>can stand up to dragons, elves, Things from the Dungeon Dimensions and even the Auditors of all reality
>eat big dinners their whole lives
>rise the ranks by 86ing their superiors
>most powerful wizard fucking earned his title by being too robust and sharp to kill
>summon death to ask him trivial questions

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I got a fucking field mouse as my patronus what the fuck bros

>friend lent me the books back then
>will pirate this now

If these noggers use denuvo i will literally download the switch nsp and play it on yuzu.

The first two are handled by the same director. Thereafter 3 and onwards had different directors, with the 3rd being the one who introduced the idea they should all be wearing modern clothes.

Absolutely fucking based as hell


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>Grounded world vs Virgin escapist fantasy
Harry Potter mogs your incel shit

>thestral patronus

>Claims discworld is escapist fantasy
Definite faggot right here

Abandon hope for waifus
Embrace certainty of fucking up goblins

Won't that mean you can't see it, so won't know if you're doing it right until you see somebody die? Strange how Harry couldn't see them back in goblet of fire, or am I misremembering something about the journey back?

I've been reading discworld and wizards' parts have been the most boring ones so far
still better than anything from hp tho

He couldn't see them because he was too little when his parents died, he started seenig them after witnessing Sirius's death.

No, it was after Cedric's death. He didn't see them at the end of Goblet because he hadn't processed the death yet or something. Real reason being Rowling hadn't thought them up yet and they're just an excuse to get Harry to the ministry quickly.

>user goes on and on about how chad his little wizard who talks to death is
Virgin catnip.

He sees them at the start of Order of the Phoenix after Cedric's death, which means he should have been able to see them at the end of goblet of fire, unless he travelsl back by some other means

As I read the first few books I was picturing a whimsical world like a Pajama Sam game. The darker more grounded world of the latter books and movies doesn't interest me.

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>why yes, i AM intimately familiar with the harry potter franchise and reddit
you are a lost cause

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