It's really not that good

It's really not that good.

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Why does this game make Any Forums seethe so much?

I played it for the first time relatively recently and thought it really was pretty good.

Ironically I find myself enjoying the main game more than the chao garden mostly because you have to spend a lot of time standing around doing nothing to make the chao garden progress with evolutions

Not good? Its garbage.

Only contrarians and weeb furries like it.

It was in 2001

Same, zero nostalgia and I can confidently say it's one of my favorite Sonic games.

But the soundtrack is excellent, you’ve got to give it that.

Did you forget to play the chao minigame? That's the best part of the game. That and Rouge's fat bat tits.

A third of the game (speed stages) and Chao Garden are the only good things about this game.

I've thought about this alot, the soundtrack really carries it.

The dirty secret about SA2 is that the Speed Stages are actually the worst part. The Emerald Hunts and Mech Stages are better, but because they're "not what people expect from Sonic games" they get shit on by people who only play Sonic games.

unleashed is the best sonic game post genesis
it has soul

I like all of them except the objectively shitty ones like the space emerald hunts and some of tails's levels.
Crazy gadget's not as bad as I remember

feed them, retard

It's better than the original trilogy combined. Not a single one of the first 3 sonic game has consistent level design quality or theming, and people love to throw around S3&K but literally half of that games levels are fucking garbage. Sonic adventure 2 might be shit but at least it's consistent and doesn't rely on some meaningless optional path in 1/3rd of the games level design to try and rope you into muh alternate path shit when those alternate paths are ultimately unoptimal in every way and mostly untraversed by people that play the games religiously and attempt to use them as praise

They get full pretty quickly
it's more entertaining once you're in the thick of it and your little shitlets have learned actions from the kindergarten but at the start of the game it's a lot of standing and waiting.

Chao can’t “get full”, that’s not a mechanic in the game. If they drop the fruit just give it back to them until they finish it. Feeding your chao increases magnitude (hidden stat), which determines how close it is to evolution.

>If they drop the fruit just give it back to them until they finish it
>forcefeeding chao repeatedly until they evolve

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Adventure 1 is much better, but 2 isn't terrible.

SA2 never clicked with me. Hate the BEEEP gameplay minus that one stage where It's zero G with Eggman, Knuckles was worse, Shadow only had 4 levels and Sonic only had 6.
Level themes were duller than in SA1 minus the intro. Never understood why i'd grind so much for chaos if the levels weren't fun.
It's just nostalgia that blinds people

It was pretty great for its time, but there isn't a single 3D Sonic game that has aged well.


>>forcefeeding chao repeatedly until they evolve
Yeah. You don’t have to do it the entire time but if you give them a good amount it’s much quicker. This doesn’t affect their age so it’s not like they’ll die/reincarnate sooner as magnitude doesn’t affect age.

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God and here I thought I finally understood the chao garden.
The chao garden mechanics in SA2 is so surprisingly complex and deep, it's a shame the one-man programmer for it left Sega and there's probably no one else capable of doing what he did. I'd love a similar game that goes as deep as it did.

If the next movie doesn't use this song..

Actually, does anyone know if the Sonic 2 movie actually had Sonic music in it? The first one only had like a ringtone or some shit.

it's the greatest bad game of all time

It's a masterpiece compared to SA1 which is an awful and jank game people simply cope with

Sachiko Kawamura created the Chao and also designed the gameplay, and she’s still at Sonic Team. After the Adventure games she’s mostly been an art director, but for some reason she’s producing Frontiers now so hopefully that means she can push for them to return in that game. Wether they’ll successfully re-create the mechanics from the originals or not is yet to be seen but hopefully they can do a good enough job if they do bring them back. So many people would by this game just for chao.