Flyff Universe


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Other urls found in this thread:

>playing gookgrind like flyff
(laughs in ultima online)

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just give me a pc/phone mmo with maplestory 2's assets

Not so fast nigger

LOTRO is going fully free up to lvl 95 in a few weeks.

The only LOTR MMO there is and will ever be without black hobbits and they/them elves

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Can you play LOTR on your phone? Don't think so, kid

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>maplestory 2
>not maplestory 1

Ah, yes. Flyff Discord, Flyff Twitter, Flyff Instagram and Flyff Facebook. It really is just like the old times.

>he didn't spend his entire childhood shitposting on flyffworld forums

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Flyff was a good MMO

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Last thing I remembered was dropping this game at lvl 60 after getting dual dretas

Yeah spent it on RO

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Is this another illegal horribly mistranslated version ran by a random Spanish dude?

No, it's an official reboot of Flyff. It's not a pirate server or anything. A group of devs who are into the game partnered with GalaNet (original devs of Flyff) to bring something akin to "wow classic" but for Flyff. They undid a lot of fuckups from later updates of the game that ruined the community, and fixed a bunch of stuff. It's going to be hype.

>PC, Mac, Tablet, Phone
>No Linux

It runs in the browser, it 100% runs on Linux too

>korean MMO
>communicates through discord
2 big red flags

>cross platform
sounds like mobileshit
also what the fuck is gala lab? what happened to nflavor?

I only played it briefly and don't really remember it. Now where is Priston Tale?

I was an RO chad but I do remember flyff. Noons who couldn’t make it in RO would play shit like Flyff and MapleStory and Priston Tale

Anyone remember Silkroad online? I was a PK in that game….

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Oh, is that what "web game" means? I know it's old but that's kind of crazy.

It's the exact game as it was in 2005, except nowadays computers (and phones) are able to run it in the browser. I played in the beta and it runs really well in the browser you wouldn't even know there was a difference, plus they added some support for touch interfaces (but didn't compromise the original controls) so people can actually play it on tablets/phones too.
>also what the fuck is gala lab? what happened to nflavor?
GalaLab/GalaNet are the original Korean/Japanese developers (devs are Korean but the company is Japanese I think), gpotato/nflavor were the western publishers IIRC. This version goes straight to the original devs.

I remember grinding in this game to the point I could fly on a broom and then flying around the whole world to realize that the rest of the game was just more grind. Dropped hard senpai.

the only memory i have of flyff is getting scammed and then quitting

It's developed on top of some web technology built by a team of french devs who are really passionate about this shit. They developed a way to efficiently stream stuff like textures and models over the internet and it's unbelievably fast at loading.
You can see it in action in this video it's quite impressive. Sometimes the textures take 1 second to load and you can see the white models when you teleport but it's very minor (and the original as well used to take a couple of seconds to load in all models anyway).

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