Attached: botw2.png (1920x1080, 1.75M)

>elden ring scared them so bad they delayed the game for a year

why are nintendr0n3s so easily excited?

not even the best game this month

Attached: triangle-strategy-nintendo-switch.jpg (379x379, 41.95K)

i hope this means the game is going to habe actual content in it and not just 3 types of enemies and 4 super short and relativley boring dungeons but into an ugly looking and bland world

are you talking about elden ring or breath of the wild?

>guys rick and morty is so funny and intelligent only us smart people will get it HAHA RICK AND MORTY RICK AND MORTY RICK AND MORTY ONLY SHOW I WATCH
you faggots are literally no different

>Zelda thread
>first post is ER
Can’t you fags just go post in the 20 active ER threads?


When are they going to show the hookshot

are you retarded or a nintendr0n3
elden ring gas more unique content in 1 hour then breath of the wild has in its entire run

Save Fi

Attached: __fi_and_fierce_deity_the_legend_of_zelda_and_2_more_drawn_by_onisuu__d3a55a8ad647d4393e12f69ef32de0fb.png (1035x1482, 760.97K)

Poor Fi.

I'm just gonna come out and say it.
botw fucking sucked.
it was a bad zelda game.
it was a bad adventure game.
it was overall a bad game.

>bland empty open world no story game where you have to grind just to be able to grind
Sure can't wait for it

Attached: 1648609505455.jpg (2157x1079, 488.63K)

holy based

Fi's in this game?

Fi is in nearly every game

Based Chad. It's one of the best game this month for sure.

>Dorito dust and smegma covered hands typed this

You retards are exhausting. Nintendo delaying a Zelda game has been par for course since Twilight Princess. This is not new to them. Also imagine thinking that a company that released a one minute trailer in 2021 for a blockbuster game with NO TITLE would be ready to release the game in 2022. This was always going to happen chimp brain.

>played the game for one hour
>same soldiers, same wolves, same dragonflies just they all bombard you at once and you can't walk two feet without getting attacked
Nice "open world exploration" game there.