
When are we going to do something about game size bloat?
Feel like there was a bit of a movement at one point, even devs going back to update old games by compressing audio and textures. Now they are back to bloat. Valva in particular continues to release models and textures that aren't even used in the game, because they never clean up code. Need to use the Portal water thing? Just import all of Portal and ship it with the game lol

Attached: ug0c81zvsgq81.png (648x472, 56.83K)

When you're a single man dev team you're more incentivised to optimize but when you have a bunch of random people working on something becomes sloppy and nobody is going to clean it up. It's why Any Forums on my phone on nsfw boards fits the frame of my phone while safe for work boards don't and posts only take up half the page. Another good example is Reddit, if you download any video from Reddit they end up being 30 mb instead of the potential 2mb they could be because they never compress anything and it's built on shit code.

I blame the 4k audio files and for some reason no one wanting to use compressed textures. Even if a game makes you download them separately to decrease filesize it blows up like 50gb

webniggers should not be allowed to talk about bloat

It's not going to get any better.

but c*nt*nt creators and youtubers need something dumb ""'easter eggs""" to make a video about

Compressed textures need to be decompressed while loading, and 8th gen consoles not only have shit CPU but also HDD.
The loading times are already a nightmare.

>4k audio

Its when your audio is ~4000 pixels across diagonally.

Attached: je87s67bktl81.jpg (1456x1422, 187.06K)

It should be fine once the cross-generation period is over and we only have PS5 and Xbox Series consoles to contend with. Until then, it sucks in general that you have to duplicate resources several times and use formats with little to no compression just because of CPU issues where the Jaguar cores should've been obsoleted yesterday.

websites lag, games render 60fps with gbs of data

what, why would tan boards and blue boards be coded differently?

Uncompressed audio.
Game devs don't actually consult sound technicians and don't realize the quality difference between .ogg and .wav is practically 0%.

devs are niggers, simple as

Attached: unknown-2.png (752x462, 27.97K)

Probably something they tested and updated on one board, but forgot to do on the other.

optimization is for chuds.
example: this thread

Damn, this did not aged well at all

It's split across 2 URLs at this point so it's likely a minor update that didn't get applied to both versions

javascript webdevs should keep their fucking mouths shut. I have seen your fucking mess.

Did Russia believe their own propaganda too much?

jesus lmao
ïmagine being russian and having to cope to this

Attached: 1648240804138.webm (900x506, 2.35M)

>fire 300 miles away from where you see it is a fully rendered effect
>could've just used a fucking gif
>credits at the end of the story is a fully exported video file in high definition and a high framerate
>could've just displayed scrolling text

they do use 2d textures as anims (see: vdbs) and gifs are bloated/proprietary formats

>pre-rendered video files take up most of the space
>those pre rendered videos use in game character models, looking arguably worse than they do on the game's max settings
>video files, even though are huge, also have terrible compression artifacts
>plus, you can customize your character, so the cutscenes break continuity
all games should use in-engine cutscenes with no exception in this era. games look too good to justify needing externally rendered stuff to show me.
my game in question is black ops 3

>When are we going to do something about game size bloat?
The first step would be to stop using Unity.