How is this game still alive?

How is this game still alive?

Attached: World_of_Warcraft_Shadowlands.jpg (295x335, 80.24K)

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it isn't
it's like a vampire that leaves his grave every year when a new expansion drops, walks around for a few days then goes back to sleep

how wouldn't it be? there's still no wow killer after like 20 years

I have a friend that still plays, basically his argument for playing is that there aren't any other remotely good MMOs, I can understand that because it's a completely dead genre

Can you really be called alive if your playerbase consists of mentally ill addicted boomers and furries/trannies?

Because that is, quite literally, 99% of WoW’s remaining playerbase.

No fucking idea
The game was shit 18 years ago when it was released and I never imagined it blowing up and becoming the genre defining title for MMOs
When I played WoW for the first time back then I seriously thought a game with such shit gameplay and hideous visuals has to die out within months
But here we are it's still alive and still getting expansions for those addicts that can't let it go

Never met a tranny playing it, take your meds

>has a whole farm of human cattle he can leech at any time
Checks out

>not a tranny
so you’re either the furry or the mentally ill boomer

Because despite all the bitching, crying, transitioning and dilating Any Forums does over WoW, it still have a player base that actually enjoys it for what is is, such as Mythic+, Raiding, PvP and w/e else, and doesn't entirely consist of the casual whiny faggots who keep forgetting they don't actually like MMOs and buy the expansion anyway because they can't get over the high they had over 15 years ago.

Just because you don't like it, doesn't mean it's bad.

It's incredible with how few paragraphs the Jailer is made more of a character in the Sylvanas novel than in all of Shadowlands itself.

Sunk cost fallacy.

Attached: 1648533315086.png (1920x1080, 1.38M)

Ok incel

it's literally not even alive


The game has a built in base of mentally ill subhumans that continue to play regardless of the game’s quality*

fixed that for you

My meds won't work unless you take yours

>a ton of empty servers with shitty guilds that can barely do any PVE content and nothing sells on the AH

i would say that this is close to accurate. i have never met anyone who played wow that was younger than 30 or even seen people younger than that talking about the game. i’m not saying they don’t exist, but it’s clear that they are in the extreme minority. the only people still left playing this game are the ones who have been playing it for more of their lives.

for most of their lives*


Attached: dead game.png (890x367, 133.19K)

>there's still no wow killer after like 20 years

Attached: 1546404137070.jpg (545x650, 196.11K)

Name a single better MMO on the market.

Twitch communities are like pest infestations. They establish themselves and never fucking leave. XIV content creator communities are limited mainly to guides, they haven't even scratched the surface of some of the arguably undeserved popularity of the WoW creators.