Why is this 12 year old so jacked

why is this 12 year old so jacked

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>12 year old
>gray hair
uh lol

If you did physical activities every day instead of staying inside all the time during your childhood then you would have had muscle definition too

He is Nipponese and has been folded a thousant or more times.

lets say I'm 12
is this an achievable natty in that age?

To attract Disney milfs

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Yes assuming you are born with Myostatin-related muscle hypertrophy. Or have muscle building genetics.

>Touch grass
3000 cal
250g pro
200g carb
135g fat

>Myostatin-related muscle hypertrophy
>literal bro science

Nice bait have a good day.

oops my bad, wrong game

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>oh no ive been found out
>better say the reply is bait
>yeah thatll settle his hash

japanese should be banned from naming the age/height/weight of their characters, they obviously have clue and no grasp of reality and it's cringe seeing them make ridiculous statements about it one after another.

>tfw you get sonzoned

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Just out of curiosity do you know how steroids work? or no anything about biology SHBG, free test? What do you think happens when someone takes let's say 250test E instead of having peak in myostatin and drop like a normal person the roids bypass and flood the receptor lowering cortisol and the result is a never ending peak of myostatin which is why even if you do nothing on roids but sit down you will still grow muscle assuming you are eating the macros required to grow. People that have Myostatin-related muscle hypertrophy is the result of mutation and the receptor doesn't have an off switch so they will keep growing. Most die from heart attacks around the ages of 30-40. I know your trolling but if people are reading this thread I don't want them to lose IQ points from the likes of you.

lol ok its one of those pajeet scammers, i figured as much

Meds now.

Roxas fags can't even compete

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not meds, indians.

>this is an eleven year old boy

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ah of course, stinky poo-in-loos, I'm glad you corrected me

Like I said meds now. I'm an Australian scotsman I am whiter then you lmao. You need to touch grass or go to your town library and interact with some people maybe read a book. Go have some fun coming here trolling like a child is not productive.

Pretending to be me that's tight schizo lol but go kick rocks kid.

>Australian scotsman
post a picture of your wrist lmao, this oughta be good