What's the worst level in Halo CE, and why is it Two Betrayals?

What's the worst level in Halo CE, and why is it Two Betrayals?

>Hey you guys know that big area from three levels ago? What if we made the player go through that again, but backwards?!? Oh, and start them off with a plasma pistol and shotgun, I don't care" -Bungie, probably

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I played Halo campaign once twenty years ago and still remember being infuriated that the middle of the game was just the same fucking hallway over and over and over

Two Betrayals is my favorite level

everything after 343 guilty spark is absolute garbage

I unironically only remember the first fucking beach mission. what a forgettable game


The library was the worst level. Everything else was kino.

I really don't get the gripe with the supposed halo ce "backtracking." Sure you revisit the same places but the layout is usually completely different for most of the reused levels.
Two betrayals has you in a banshee for most of the level visiting different parts of the map. Only towards the end are you backtracking, making two betrayals perhaps the most egregious offender.
The layout of Keyes and The Maw are also mostly completely different. Aside from some common scenery they really aren't nearly as bad as some of the numbskull criticisms I hear.
>"lol second half of ce is just first half in reverse"
oh fuck off.

I have to say that after 343 guilty spark game drags on. As a kid I didn't notice it so much, but when I replayed it after so many years I did notice it. Some parts were still good, where you see covenant forces battle flood, but otherwise it feels like a drag.

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>supposed halo ce "backtracking."

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I thought the flood was a cool plot twist at first before I get obliterated by the space AIDS

I played through on Legendary a few years ago and I was stuck on that one part with the big ice field with the two wraiths and the invisible guys for literal hours.

Though it is obviously backtracking when I think of examples of it in games it's something like getting the psg1 where you need to go complete an errand and then go all the way back to the shit you were doing. The stuff in halo I thought were mostly passable as escape sequences, Keyes was a drag but I didn't like the alien space location on the first run either.

for me it was the part in two betrayals when you have to fly the banshee back down into the cave. holy shit that rocket flood probably killed me 20 times before I finally got through that section because I was so stubborn

>revisiting some of the same places = replaying that level in reverse
There is no "retracing one's course" in Halo CE, except in the most superficial sense of technically visiting the same locations twice.

For instance, we visit the control room of the truth and reconciliation twice. Once in The Truth and Reconciliation and a second time in Keyes.
However, these levels are completely different. The layout leading up to it is different, the enemies are different.
That does not fit either definition of backtracking in your picture.
Definition a implying a retracing of one's steps
Definition b implying a literal rewinding

For me it really isn't too bad since halo ce's enemy design is so well done.
Halo (and dozens of arena shooters) were doing "le combat puzzle" years before nu-doom.
New enemy types and proportions of each could honestly justify a literal backtracking if it's well done. But Halo ce really doesn't even go that far.

>he doesn't realise that the last half of halo is the true kino
>Infighting between flood and covenant
>The flood consuming everything while you're just trying to get by

CE made you feel like you're fighting against powerful forces like no other game ever has. Barely any "you're the greatest ever super soldier and humanity's last hope" bullshit. Just "Oh look, a Mark IV!", and a mission to complete alongside a sassy AI that thinks you're at most endearing in addition to being a fucking idiot that almost nuked the galaxy.

Eat shit. Everyone knows that the Library is the worst. It’s not even a competition. I’m fully convinced that there’s only one elevator and the game forces you to go in circles before letting you get to the top. Also fuck 343 (both the robot and the company), this useless cunt’s dialogue only makes it worse.
>Sure, I could teleport us right to the top or let you cling on to me while I fly close to the Index. But lets just go through the same hallway over and over.

You quite literally go back through the base you just fought through in The Silent Cartographer, and Two Betrayals is literally Assault on the Control Room backwards with a few new areas.

Good question user, it's obviously between the library and two betrayals, two betrayals is what made me quit playing this shit fucking game.

following guilty spark for 2 hours shooting the zombie dudes. second would be the infinite purple corridors on the covenant ships