Why do they market this way for a children's game?

Why do they market this way for a children's game?

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epi is a whole other level

to stop your children from turning into faggots
you should be thanking them for exposing your children to healthy sexuality

unfunny forced meme that was DOA (much like your synapses)

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Smartest answer:
>Don't leave the multiplication implicit, asshole. Either throw in another set of parentheses around 2(1 + 2) or put a * there.
Other answers:
>6 / 2(3) = 1 - Implied multiplication comes first (USUALLY right in higher math)
>6 / 2 * 3 = 9 - Implied multiplication is just multiplication (usually right in more casual settings)

They didn't. This is fan shit.

division and multiplication is done left to right
6/2*(1+2) = 3*(3) = 9

To subvert them into having kids of their own later in the future. The $ juice can only flow with goy consumers.

Ecclesiastes 4:2-3
>And I declared that the dead, who had already died, are happier than the living, who are still alive.
>But better than both is the one who has never been born, who has not seen the evil that is done under the sun.

porn mommy?

>Teaching kids to be straight intlstead of faggots
I see no problem here.

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Now post the actual version.

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When you're writing an expression out by hand, you're obligated to try and solve anything within parentheses until those parentheses no longer exist.
But when you're just punching it into a calculator it doesn't really matter.

introduce me to it, where do I get started


join the 41%

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wait fuck recognized the hexagon pentagon thingy
so it’s like 51?

I freely admit to being dumb


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So this is a surefire way to derail cuck groomer threads. I'll keep that in mind

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3x = 45 -> x = 15
2y + 15 = 23 -> 2y = 8 -> y = 4
4 + 2z = 10 -> 2z = 6 -> z = 3
(2/3)z + (6/4)y + (2/3)x = 2 + 6 + 10 = 18
The answer is 18.


its 38 you morons

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38, the clock, banana, and shape thing are all altered in the last section

Fuck I missed the last multiplication. Tunnel vision.
2 + 3 + 3 * 10 = 35. Final answer is 35.

I've been seeing this thrown around, what does it stand for?

I meant 38, just noticed the difference.
this user is right

The fractional notation of division has more priority than the normal. This is equivalent to 9 - 3 / (1/3) + 1. Therefore, the answer is 1.

early porn indoctrination

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Shouldn't it be 35? 2 o'clock + 3 bananas + 3 bananas * 10 sides.

3(4+5+6) = 3(15) = 45

2x + 15 = 23
x = 4

4 + 2y = 10
y = 3

3 + 4 + 4(5+6) = z
7 + 44 = z
z = 51

Ah, that makes sense. Thanks.

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