Vidya moments that still amazes you to this day

Vidya moments that still amazes you to this day

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They ruined the surprise with the Codec conversation. They should have just the fight going on with the box in the background for a few seconds, then had Snake stand up suddenly without any foreshadowing.


Go shower



Mercedes Benz in Mario kart 8 because it showed the true colors of Nintendo and their desperate attempt to stay relevant with their failing company. Fuck Nintendo, I will never give them a dime again.

Nintendies couldn't even get Metal Gear Solid 4

Loading up smash dojo and seeing Sonic there

fuck you, the silver arrow rocks

This was E3 06 on the Wednesday of that week if I remember right. This was ridiculously hype since, at that time, it was inconceivable that Snake (basically a Sony mascot at this time) was in Smash Brothers. They did a terrible job with Sonic's trailer though, but I think that was because the leaks had already been out so they just threw their hands up and tossed out the gameplay trailer. I know it's sacrilege to say but I prefer Brawl to Melee and honestly always have.

The vidya moment that still amazes me is when Miyamoto is doing the conducting thing for that same E3. Looking back at it now in hindsight and knowing just how popular the Wii would end up is something.

Deadly Premonition 2 being announced is the only thing that's ever made me soiface. It may be worse than DP1 but the story was great and having one more adventure with the boys was nice. I'll never forget the announcement, because I never ever expected a sequel.

I need to add one more thing. The reveal of FF8 remaster. The start with that opening cutscenes song in the reveal and I lose it. The reason I probably forgot to add this was that I saw the garbage model they did for squall and broken neck Rinoa in the trailer, but all of the "they lost the source code so they'll never make it" made it actually seem impossible. Sonic Mania also was huge for me since I'd been waiting for a great Sonic since Adventure 2 and this looked like what the Genesis games would have been had they been made today. I love Sonic Mania by the way. Finally the Terry Bogard reveal in Smash Bros Ultimate. I don't have a Switch but that was the closest I'd come to impulse buying it (I don't have any current gen console and haven't since gen 7)

Remember when they didn't show this during the conference? It was shown behind closed doors. Still don't know why they did that.

Probably the surprise factor. After Wario did his fart thing and the logo popped up, everyone thought it was over. Especially since the codec popped up and Metal Gear was still hot at the time so everyone probably thought it was some new Metal Gear game or something. Shame Nintendo never did this again to my knowledge. Or if they did, it never had the impact this had

Cloud being announced in smash.

I remember watching that and that was the only time that a smash character reveal made me say "WHOA" in real life. Be honest, was anyone expecting that when it happened?

I know Maximillian Dood gets a lot of hate with videogame reveal reactions (as videogame reveal reactions rightfully should because they are just click bait videos) but you can tell that the reaction video that he put up when Cloud was revealed that he was actually genuine and not faking it.

Second "WHOA" moment was when Sonic was announced in Brawl.

Snake > Sonic > Sephiroth > Joker Pokemon Trainer

Daigo's Ken parrying Chun Li's special. I'm not even a fighting gamer.

Final Fantasy XIII on the Xbox. Not necessarily because XIII was fantastic, but because it was a Final Fantasy game at all on the Xbox. Not just that but the big one that usually is exclusive to Playstation.


Brawl is unironically the ultimate Smashfag repellant

Honestly this. Mentioning Brawl to them is like garlic and crosses to vampires.