Bosses with multiple phases are NOT fun

Bosses with multiple phases are NOT fun.

Attached: genichiro.jpg (1920x1080, 145.06K)

Do you have a single fact to back that up?

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*ruins your entire game*

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They are...
Unless they get their full health on each phase

I appreciate that Elden Ring kept the health bar resets to a minimum. I'm fine with multiple phases but they should be included in the same health bar.

The real fucking problem with multi-phase boss fights is when there's a cutscene for the transition. If the boss is going to go through a minute long powerup, at least fucking respect the player and let him also buff/heal.
Instead you've got shit like
>2000 damage suplex .5 seconds after the cutscene ends from directly behind you

It's fun when each new phase builds upon the bosses existing moveset, allowing you to take knowledge learned from the first phase in to the second and third. It's less fun when they just suddenly get an entire new moveset, or change things up in a way that works against built up muscle memory. Of course there's exception to this rule, but this is the general trend. Anyway, Genichiro is a great boss, one of the best From have made.

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Until I beat them, then it was based all along

Phases aren't the problem. Hiding the additional phase's health bar is.

Hiding the health bar is the best option, it ruins that there is more if they just show it off, just leads to ruining kino moments, its like subtitles that are way too fast for whats happening on screen

neither are games with shit programming, like 99% of From Shit games

The only times it was executed well were Soul of Cinder, Guardian Ape, and Rykard. Every other time just felt like a punch in the dick.

I love bosses with grounded physics, telegraphed but punishing movesets, a single healthbar, novel designs and good OST, and I'm tired of pretending I need to prepare to die.

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I disagree. It's a fun surprise. I like when a game purposely sets up expectations and then tricks me, even if it's kind of bullshit. From Software just does this better than any game studio I know. The (heavily criticized) catacombs in Elden Ring are a great example of this.
I don't get why people think that throwing something unpredictable at the player is "bullshit". That's what makes the whole experience fun.

I like getting surprised and having my expectations upended. To each their own I guess

I actually would've preferred a health bar reset for Hoarah Loux, at least

yes they are you retard

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Is it really surprising when every major boss has a phase 2?

I like them but in general their later phases should get progressively easier, or if the boss is good enough, it should be a more complicated version but still the same in principle of the first phase's moveset, like Darklurker in DS2

Its the same thing. instead of having 2/3 small health pools they have one big health pool. like in Dark souls 3 Friede has three phases and three different health bars with a combined health of around 18k, And Gael has three phases with one health bar and a health of around 15k (while also having much higher defense and resistances than friede).

Shocking to me that this one boss in Sekiro is better than almost every boss in Elden Ring.

agreed, should have ended at Radagon.

Elden Beast's problem wasn't the concept, it was the fight itself

filtered fromdrone