The Switch 2 will heavily push VR/AR gaming as a standard

The Switch 2 will heavily push VR/AR gaming as a standard.

BOTW2 will have gimmicks only available on the new Switch.

Nvidia Deep Learning algorithms will be used to push the framerate high enough for a 'playable' VR experience.

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I don't buy it but Sony seems to want to use VR to make them stand apart from the others so it'd be pretty funny for Nintendo to cuck them.

I love her art

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is she actually that hot irl tho?

I'm not interested in gimmicks like motion controls or touch screens or 3d or vr.


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Give me the anus beauty spot.

western artists generally have the problem where characters faces are positioned independently of their heads
and this one has it in spades

>nintendo console

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Thanks for the criticisms, local art critic

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I mean I'm not saying she isn't hot but she'd be hotter if she gained like 40 pounds

now post the full one, but the version with the mole in the asshole

Guess I’ll do it

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Oh my. Is there more?


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Women who dress like that irl to be in their rooms smell bad.

the braces do it for me

I'm not gay but damn...

Always knew Samus was a farm girl. She listens to Country music, I know it.

>that shoulder width
It's a dude isn't it.
You can't fool me anymore

It's the angle

And hates niggers probably.

I want her

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beauty mark ON HER BUTTHOLE