Why are harpies always evil in games?

Why are harpies always evil in games?

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theyre evil in real life

Because they are usually considered an evil beings(or just demons) in legend and mythology

Tales of androgyny has the best harpies

They're all women

Women are inherently evil

because they enter a counter state and then they instakill you
and that's not very nice

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Harpies are a kind and gentle species

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I guess you could say you're being pestered by haripes. :^)

Pyre has a pretty good one

Such as?

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Mythological origins state they are evil.
Birds are seen as cruel animals.
And then there's the fact that harpies are exclusively women.

Personally they're my #1 type of monster girls and the harpy village is as far as I would have gone in MGQ.

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Just feed them, dumbass.

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first they eat your strawberries, then your dick, and next thing you know they're eating all of your strawberries

Make her eat all the strawberries first then she won't be hungry enough to eat your penis like it's a sausage and will resort to lick it gently.

Because that’s how they are in actual folklore. Callously indifferent tricksters in the best of times, overtly malevolent in the worst.

>user casually admitting he likes dick

That's a good question!

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Terraria is one
Dark Souls is another
I know Puyo Puyo has one but I don't think she's evil, you just have to fight her in Satan's Tower

Dragons dogma too, really hate those ones for the simple fact that as a melee I CAN'T HIT THEM!