So Is this the map before the shattering??

Attached: 2di085iotup81.jpg (3000x2700, 1.11M)

I dunno, i wasnt involved in the development of the game.

what game is this

that's the gulf of mexico with florida touching panama

What is the tree on lower left? I dont remember going there

Looks like shit. The geology makes no sense whatsoever.

looks like dragons dogma

super mario odyssey on the wiiu

It's exactly where the Roundhold Table is on the ingame map.

that was before they decided to put greatsigils to towers

I assume this was the Haligtree's original location, before it got relocated north of the snowfields.

I'm pretty sure it's supposed to be the halig tree, which was moved in the final game
This is why the lore talks about malenia fighting godrick on the way to radhan but not anyone else

Boku no piko

TES VI leaked concept art

I would imagine the shattering would be responsible for that gigantic fucking crater just below that tree, which also took out those sets of barricades surrounding it.
So no.

it's elden ring dummy.

Nope, crater is obviously left by object with elden beast landing. Erdtree can't grow in water so it picked spot on the rim of crater.

Why are all the "lakes" shin deep?

Then what was originally in the barricades?

dark souls

its Mexico

Glad I wasn't the only one to see that.

Mexichads WE WON

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Where are the farms?