Is there ANY game you are hyped up about, or have you given up being ever happy like a little kid?

is there ANY game you are hyped up about, or have you given up being ever happy like a little kid?

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I'm hyped for Starfield. That's a once in a decade game though.


I sure am

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well I hope luck is on your side and it doesn't disappoint user

I'm a fan of the 4x genre so I'm actually looking forward to Falling Frontier and Terra Invicta, but that's pretty niche.

The one I have in my mind that I'm working on. Any Forums will of course hate it.

freedom planet 2

that's it

what's it about? what type, engine, etc?
good on you for believing in yourself, and if Any Forums hates it then it will probably be a success then

I have been excited for many games over the past year and many have delivered. I've also come across more than a handful of surprise gems recently. Gaming is in a great place right now, and all the bad influences in the industry are dying out. I'm not worried at all about there being games I'll love for the rest of my life.

Optimistic for YsX 2023.

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I haven't felt hype for anything in ages, but it's more because all of my purchases nowadays are random pseudo-niche shit they I buy on a whim after quickly scanning some thoughts and opinions.
And I haven't really been disappointed since.

I was for gt7. I don't think I was hyped for any game for last decade. After the crap they release, I think I'm done.

>December 2022

Does DLC count? If not, I'm interested in seeing what BG3 and Hogwarts Legacy look like when finished. I'm not buying them, though.

I'd say the industry is in a better place than it was 10 years ago, though.

Wow, you must have awful goddamn taste.

Of what’s been officially announced/teased?
Silksong, FF16 and Kojima’s next game are the only ones I’m looking forward to

I feel the same way, so many great niche games coming out. 2021 was my favourite year in vidya since 2017 and 2022 has many potentially great games coming out

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I look forward to Xenoblade 3, too dead inside to be truly excited.

I somewhat agree, although I think a lot of the big studios are completely lost compared to when they released their first gems. Stuff like the Far Crys and Battefields of this world are clogging the pipe.
But that doesn't mean it's all shit, and a lot of smaller studios, artists with strong personalities, and indies, they do deliver cool stuff.

what the fuck it's real

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>I've also come across more than a handful of surprise gems recently
Name 3.

what a fucking psycho

I like that you two are the only ones who caught that kek

Same, gaming is in a better place now than it was 10 years ago

Have we even seen any proper gameplay footage for it yet?

AFAIK they only posted a trailer that shows so little that a student could have made that in a week. I'm not the guy you're replying to but I was kinda hyped for it until that trailer, and now I'm just making sure to check it out when the reviews drop because I always welcome a good surprise.. but I expect nothing.

I'm looking forward to some games, but I'm not hyped, just hopeful: starfield, stalker, falling frontier, witcher 4, even fucking star citizen, if it ever manages to ever get past the eternal alpha phase
in all honesty, there's few things that make me hopeful about the future, just these games really, I stopped deluding myself that we'll see cool VR, robowaifus and cool cyborgification anytime soon, I used to believe it when I was younger

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>Heart of Chornobyl

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