Gave this shit a chance and, my god, it has the worst gunplay I've ever experienced...

Gave this shit a chance and, my god, it has the worst gunplay I've ever experienced. Does it have a mod to make it bearable or should I just watch cutscene on youtube? What about the sequels?

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3 has better gunplay
Reach is surprisingly worse than CE but CE is still good

Jesus Christ, it's almost like it's 20 years old!

Doom, Half Life and Quake had superior gunplay and they’re older than Halo

halo is one of the worst games ever, it's glorified only because it was microsoft's only exclusive fps on xbox

I genuinely love playing H1.

Filtered lmao

Maybe you just suck, zoomer.

the game is legitimately broken on pc, the pc port completely fucked up core gameplay mechanics, for example there's a bug (nonexistent on the xbox version) that ties your weapon's accuracy to your framerate, which means if you're playing above 8 fps (which is a guarantee even on the worst toasters) the assault rifle becomes a shotgun and the shotgun becomes a punch, this has existed for literally 20 years and noone has bothered to do anything about it

It doesn't get better.

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So you are telling me that these 2 games that were released over a decade apart play differently?
Maybe compare it to the Doom game of those Days

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user I'm taking into account even older games. Halo CE really does have the wrost gunplay of any shooter.

No they don't.

Trash take

I'd rather play bottom.

Define gunplay.

yes they do

Its not about difficulty, I'm playing on legendary and it is quite easy. Its just boring.

Damn. I guess I will nwatch it on youtube then

and what games do you play user

No they don't.

>boomers when a retro shooter doesnt let you carry 12 weapons and has levels that are longer than 2 minutes

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Old shooters are kind of like Sonic the Hedgehog where they pad the level out with mini-mazes and keycard fetch quests tbf. When you know what you're doing they're about 90 seconds

Halo is the best console FPS ever made

>Long TTK emphasizes using cover to block line of sight
>regenerating shield gives player who is caught off guard a chance to come back out of cover and take back the initiative
>this is perfectly balanced out by the presence of grenades to punish static play
>Power weapons placement further punishes camping and rewards taking risky moves across open areas

However, a bit more weapons balance would have been nice. The covvie weapons are generally inferior to their UNSC counterparts. Oh, and the single player sucks balls.

You sound like a fucking faggot to be honest

>Oh, and the single player sucks balls.
rest of your post is based and true, but this is just bait

>Oh, and the single player sucks balls.
What a dumpsterfire take.

>No MetaHalo