LF2M uldaman need tank and dd PST

>LF2M uldaman need tank and dd PST.

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>Hit duty roulutte queue
>Find a team to play with in minutes
Objectively better way to play mmorpgs than this scream and spam in chat shit you do in wow

zoom zoom

>Not engaging with the world and other players is objectively better
You instant gratification types are the reason MMOs went to shit.

Uldaman huh? I see the urn but
Where's the tablet, fungus, the amulet?
Pendulum drop is more kino though

If LFG killed WoW, it really speaks to how little the game had going for it. (LFG did not hurt or help WoW, the game died due to blizzards blind approch to game design after the original release)

It's just more fun for me collecting the quests in the world for the instance and having small scale PvP fights outside dungeon entrances.
People rarely leave too and it's more of a group effort to finish the dungeons.

take me back bros...

You're right, the game was suffering a lot during TBC from poor quest implementation already. Remember Hellfire Peninsula quests? I remember at some point I had an entire page of yellow quests that went Kill x amount of y, x y z Heads. And the sad part is those were the fun "quests" too.

>brb hsing to OG for the next part of the medallion quest

lfg was just one of many things that started the decline, just look at everything added in wotlk and you'll see how much activision just took control of the entire company.

Man, skirmishes around Uldaman were some real kino
>45min dungeon crawl turns into 2h war because people keep calling in guildies and randos
I miss good private servers...

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>standing in town for hours begging to play the game is good because... it just is okay? its my one socialization of the day!


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Cross-realm automatic group finding wasn't the sole thing that killed WoW, but it highlighted the trend of sacrificing socialization in favor of convenience

Modern WoW is pretty much a single player game where the people you group up with may as well be NPCs

Blizzard is going to announce Classic+ after Wrath Classic which will re-tread every bit of WoW content redesigned / balanced around the "Classic Design." Screencap this.

>"m-m-m-muh classic plus!"
yeah, look at how well "season of mastery" is doing, lmfao

>not using the down time efficiently
user, you chose to afk in town.


>standing in town instead of going out and questing/farming while you look for a group
tell me you're a zoomie without telling me you're a zoomie

retail wow is dead, zoomers/trainnies will min-max and kill any content that blizzard releases, playing on pservers with 3rdies who have no idea what's going on is the last refuge of soul

>LF2M uldaman need tank and dd PST
>engaging with the world and other players
Wow, so engaging.

>playing mmorpgs where you can do anything solo
>being the guy who has to walk an hour to the party location

>BFD, about to kill the orc boss
>Before the fight even starts, /p "Don't touch the braziers"
>EVERY fucking time someone still clicks ALL 4 of them and wipes us
The crazy part? 90% of the time they're not even doing it to troll, they're actually that fucking retarded

>SFK, am healer
>guys we really need mage to decurse
>we don't get a mage
>woow healer why are you out of mana all the time

will vanilla private servers ever make a comeback?

nope, as long as twinjews exist

>pull boss with faerie fire
>slowly walks towards me
>secret windfury-like trash mechanic mobs have hits for 3 autos in 1 second because the mob "couldn't get to me"
my fault for being a druid