ITT: Midwit games

ITT: Midwit games

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metroid dread

if your game has ever had a thread on Any Forums it is a midwit game.

Bored Posting 3: The Transitioning

also omori

epic reply good sir

the real midwit puzzle game is The Wittness
Baba is You is the one that Low IQ and High IQ can apprecitate, while midwits cry that the rules "change" every other level

Compared to... ?

Also, hi /lit/
piss off

Anything saucy likes.

Highest wit game:

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new fire emblem
monster hunter after 3U

>ITT user acts like an underage and writes in popular game they don't like

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Noita was fun before it becomes a part time job trying to get the true ending
Also it wasn't ever popular so your argument can't be used against me.


Chrono Trigger is midwit king
Kid Icarus Uprising is midwit despite being even shittier borderlands
And Any mario RPG that's not the SNES, 64 or GBA one.

Anything Zachtronics.

it can't be used against you or me because it's the perfect midwit game and not just a teenage angst game choice

>a charming adventure with zero pretentions is midwit king
midwit doesn't mean "People who like things I don't like"

Yes, the legendary JRPG that beat time itself,
the perfect JRPG even for people that don't play them
the perfect story with definitely not shallow as shit characters
and perfect pacing that's not too fast for adhd children
also it has like 6 good tracks, the rest is shit like caveman theme

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>Kid Icarus Uprising is midwit despite being even shittier borderlands
Borderlands is a rail shooter?

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Just say you were filtered