Say you were forced to do a school presentation analyzing a video game...

Say you were forced to do a school presentation analyzing a video game. What game do you choose in order to not be cringe?

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I choose the one that's most like the Red Ranger from Power Rangers because he is the least cringe to people for some reason.

Teaching Feeling.

crysis 2

Super Metroid. It's going to be cringe, but I don't care because I could talk for hours about that game.

If we're going the least cringe route easy mode would be Tetris or Minecraft since everyone and their mother has heard about them, and they aren't generally "cringe".
However, to spin it around even though you didn't ask, cringiest would probably be a presentation on Senran Kagura. Not that the series is cringe but showing those characters in front of all of your classmates would probably give the teacher secondhand embarassment.

I choose Alien Soldier because that's a game that I've thought about the game design of extensively. There's a lot to analyze there. Might be a bit cringe but idc everyone else's project will probably be worse

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kid's game, enjoy hearing your schoolmates laughing during your presentation

Doom (original), because everyone has some idea what it is and it's relatively simple and inoffensive in most respects.

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Name one school that isn't full of zoomers

Outer Wilds. It's legit one of the best games of all time and maybe it's kind of autistic but I think it could be considered kind of normie core or at least easy to get into and explain


Would be pretty spergy ngl. You're one step away from doing a presentation on legos.

Green Ranger IS the most cringe Ranger!

FIFA is a guaranteed normie game, so that is the least cringe.
HOWEVER, you are assuming I don't want to be cringe. I am analyzing Cruelty Squad and my teacher WILL recommend I see a therapist.

pick something based on a book or movie, and then do most of the presentation on the book or movie.

Dark Souls 3, The Ringed City DLC
I'd talk specifically about locust preachers, their hypocrisy, compare the abyss to communism, how it never worked and shit on the tankies while looking at Dave who plays soviet anthem on the class computer every fuckin break
Fuck you Dave

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The Citadel

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probably the optimal choice for impressing the teacher

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N hand. Owarimashita.

Drakengard and NieR

Pokemon that is the easy choose

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Osu so I can show the class my cool 4k skills. Of course I'd use a portable copy with only one song loaded so I don't have to scroll past.