Help me Any Forums

Help me Any Forums
My boss saw me playing games during lunch and he was like
>Oh, so you like games, user?
So he appointed me as the "games guy" of the team and now I'm supposed to host a 1-hour gaming event to play with my coworkers
The team has 30+ people and some of them work remotely. If it's something you can play in your browser and doesn't need to be installed that's even better.
Are there even any games that meet those requirements?

tl;dr: What are some fun games I can play in the office (30+ people)?

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Weird normie LARP

Unironically Minecraft. Start a company server and it'll be a fun time. If they are normies just play some nintendo shit

Install CS 1.6 and spawned copies of Brood War on all the computers and fill the fridge with jolt cola.

Bro did you miss covid? Perfect opportunity to never attend social work events again. I decline every happy hour, charity event, dinner and party.

Say you don't want to do that shit and go home after work.

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Werewolf/Town of Salem shit. Be the GM and watch them burn
Or you can do those quizzes/voting things I guess

Manager here.
Join the happy hour events
DON'T MISS THEM if you want to have a chance of EVER getting promoted

>wanting to get promoted
bro, I get paid 100k a year to do 6 hours of work a week
the only way I'm getting "promoted" is by going into management, and there goes my easy life.
I will decline every promotion that comes my way

that sounds completely retarded and I don't believe you

Team Fortress 2

Manager where? I run a small video editing business and I make a point not to do this with my employees.
If we want to hang out we do it in our own time, fuck compulsive company outings we all want to go home.

Quiplash or Jackbox party could work for everyone as short sessions, and people don't need to be "gamers" to play it.


Doesn't work that way anymore. Promotions are based on merit of work. If you work at a company where your advancement is contingent even in a tiny way, on extracurricular events then you should talk to an employment lawyer.

>Promotions are based on merit of work

ACTUAL manager here. Fuck no, I'm the first person to try and find an excuse not to go to that shit. People being there kissing my ass not only destroys their chance of ever getting a promotion from me, it also makes me suspicious that they're doing something they shouldn't

>the only way I'm getting "promoted" is by going into management, and there goes my easy life.
Dude. Managers make like 5x what you make and they work even less.
As a manager as long under people under you are working well you don't need to do ANYTHING

Gartic phone

>Dude. Managers make like 5x what you make and they work even less.
You have no idea what you're talking about and probably have never worked at all.

cope, I never go to that shit and I still get promoted

Based user respecting his employees' freedom

middle manager at Volvo.
My daily-life is basically the Tonegawa anime
It fucking does, lmao.
Who do you think approves your raises? It's me, dumbass.
Here's how it works:

>have 2 developers
>one of them works amazingly well but is autistic and doesn't interact with me and butter me up
>the other works just fine but is very good friends with me and butters me up all the time
Who do you think I'm going to put up for promotion when career advancement reviews start?

That's because you're autistic. I love people kssing my ass.

Let's see how far you get without kissing your manager's ass.

Based retard who has never worked

Sounds like you need to get out of your line of work if it's corrupted by nepotism. Or find a way to wage theft like working from home. Not sure why you're laughing at me, I got my promotions already.

>I got my promotions already.
You're not done with your promotions until you're CEO

No one knows that I play videogames.
I even talk about videogames on a negative way when the topic comes out during a conversation with my coworkers.

You sound insufferable to work for. I'll stick to my project manager role, which involves telling your developers what to do and little else. If my PBIs seem vague and hastily written, they are lol. Chop chop, let's get this sprint started autismo.

Minecraft could be fun but there's not much you can do in 1 hour, is there?
People aren't gonna be able to figure out or go into the fun part of the game in the 1 hour I have reserved for the event...
Unfortunately, it's all true...

You're probably thinking of middle managers. Upper management LITERALLY doesn't have to do anything. It's all going to parties and lunch events with other big managers from other big companies and drinking wine and socializing.
You're not making more money than upper-management and if you think you are that's some extreme levels of cope

You're just an annoying asslicker, some of us have more dignity

you realistically never should have been placed in a management position.
if you're not larping, I guarantee every employee under you secretly resents you, and does the bare minimum because of it.

I have a life, work is a means to fund it. Senior analyst tier IV is as far as I go. After that it's a shitload of extra, highly advanced work for depreciating gains. Now that I'm also effectively immune to termination I'll do the absolute bare minimum to meet expectations on annual reviews and not an ounce more. Have fun a the escape room LOL.

I'm literally the most chill guy in the world.
Just don't be an autistic fag during your weekly syncs with me and know how to talk like a real human being and you will be funny.
Now if you skip my weekly meetings and socials and the only words in your vocabulary are "yes" and "no" you're fucked.
Actually, you're wrong. My team has some of the best KPIs in the entire branch I work at and I coach Jr. managers on how to be like me.

Dohna Dohna