Meanwhile in the lands bet/v/een

>meanwhile in the lands bet/v/een

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Get in

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shabiri grapes are delicious

"I swear to Marika's tits, if this note tells me to shove another stone monument in my but hole I'm going to burn this world to ash"

Does anyone have a spare Glintstone Key? I'm on a mission to get one of those retard girls from the queen's library.

why the fuck can't i coat my weapon on anything after i use a special whetstone on it

It repulses the grease for some reason. If only there was a way to apply that property to armor...

bring back ds1 armor upgrades


Yo, why is this smelly dude at The RoundTable Keep and why is he only eating doodoo?

Marika's tits I'm hungry


never met someone with a taste for prawn I couldn't trust

I'm at Redmane castle, like it here because the Lobster Rangoon is demi-god tier. Looked out the window an hour ago and saw General Radahn fucking his horse. Dude's shlong is the size of a fucking Erdtree. Once done he then used gravity magic to unprolapse that poor horse's anus. Really fucked up shit, I hate Caelid so much.

>Oh, I know who you are, Miquella, brother of Malenia. But see, I likes to calls ya Miqutie. Now, I'll tell you what: I like ya, and I wantcha. Now we can do this the easy way, or we can do it the hard way. The choice is yours. I came looking for Empyrean's butt.

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Bring back the characters too while we're at it

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How the mighty has fallen. At least the festival will hopefully put him out of that degenerate state.

Diversity quota


You know those are human eyes right?

Mhmm grapes...

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