Elden Ring is not a hard game and you're not special for beating it

Elden Ring is not a hard game and you're not special for beating it

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No souls game is hard. Now FFO SOP is a tough one though.

Ofcourse it's not hard, why the fuck do you think these k***hts keep jacking off to their loadout? It's because they beat it with something that was shit. Any game where you have to gimp yourself by not using half the arsenal isn't difficult.
But they'll always be treated like they are brutally hard because journalists that were shit at the game propagated it and zoomers are incapable of having their own personality so they just behave the way their eceleb tells them to.

agreed, that's what makes the shitters even more pathetic

If you didn't beat the game pure str no spirits you didn't beat it.

Don't care, didn't read, didn't ask

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You gotta make the words that you're replacing more blurry or it's very obvious what you've replaced.

no games are special and no one is special for beating them

Who asked your fucking opinion?

I cant beat Melania, im level 124 with 145 hrs playtime. I use my 10 mimic ash and can only just get her into second stage before I eventually get killed by waterfowl dance. Have even tried summoning other players 25 + times and we always die to waterfowl dance, its RNG if you beat her or not its not skill based. The people who you see beating her online either got lucky with RNG or they are cheating, I have been filtered by the artifical difficulty lottery boss.

Valiant Gargoyles fucked me up hard. I need to level more.

>I have been filtered

damn right

she's not rng you absolute retard
you're making one of (or both of) two potential mistakes

1. shield turtling with barricade and giving her free heals (basically don't do this)
2. failing to evade her flurry combo or divebomb; in which case either A. learn the timing to roll it, if you spam it won't work. B. put bloodhound step on your primary weapon, or just have a bloodhound step dagger you can soft or hardswap to when she winds up for it (the tell is long) and just evade it that way

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Have you tried timed dodges or using shield with max phys reduction or use Ghiza's Wheel w/ mimic and just spam weapon art to bleed her to death in both phases. Fucking hell this weapon stunlocks her hard.

Whatever helps you cope with giving up, op.

>beat these guys solo 2H claymore
>beat godskin duo same way in 3 tries
>Maliketh made me not like the game anymore
I don’t know what happened exactly but some level of bullshit happened in his fight that just turned me off the game completely I didn’t even feel good for beating him. I think part of it is that it was such an underwhelming end to the area how could they fuck up the lore of certain areas so bad? Like what the fuck is up with this place even a small clue? No? Nothing? Here’s another Gael (one of the most overrated bosses in the series btw) reskin have fun isn’t this what you want from us??? I wish Miyazaki never became President and had complete control over these games still.

Blaidd's THICK, musky cock and balls.

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/fur/ aside, I hope we'll get to play with special NPC's moveset some day. Debug menu leak when?

I'm pretty sure 95%+ of anons who have beaten elden ring could not win a single rookie race in iRacing.

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didn't ask

use rivers of blood with your mimic

where does this no maiden meme come from


it comes from Elden Ring, that new game people have been talking about

your mimic is fucking you over
she can just use him for free heals, alls you need is blasphemous blade with a lot of fp