Why did MW2019 have the best feeling guns in the franchise?

Why did MW2019 have the best feeling guns in the franchise?

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>niggers still don't know proper firearm safety
It's not that fucking hard.

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I still dont get what she's holding.

Gun with a drum magazine.

how did she upload it if she's dead?
it's staged

baboon was livestreaming

where can i see the video


It's on the internet

>WAT DO???

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It's just hell, am I losing my mind or does it feel like things are coming to an end?

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I don't care what race you are. Motherfuckers need to learn that a gun is not a fucking trophy. Why do idiots think they need to show off their pistol? It's so stupid. It's not even a race thing.

I have no clue what the image is supposed to mean

>It's not even a race thing.

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It's almost as if a certain culture is to blame.

>It's not even a race thing.
you dont see any other race doing shit like this


How does a 14 year old nigger acquire a shitty euro surplus gun with a drum mag

>not pointing the gun at someone
>not having a loaded gun in the house
>having the safety on
>using trigger discipline
Just one of these things would've changed the situation. Fucking retarded.


I think every race equally fetishizes weapons

I have literally seen whites do the same. It's fucking retarded. Dickheads think it make them macho.

idk bros i dont feel anything with gore videos but this one hits hard shits just sad

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At least the dumb fuck had the decency to end herself.

why is the gunshot so quiet?

Fucking white supremacists claimed another 2 poor innocent souls. This is why we need a white genocide bros

White people don't shoot themselves and then blame white people. Huge difference.

eat fresh

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What are you even talking about? Who is even assigning blame here? The girl obviously took responsibility considering she shot herself in the head right after.

i thought it was a otamatone

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How did she come to the descision to kill herself so fast? She didn't even hesitate. Feels fake.

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because the microphone cant pick up sounds that loud
so it just goes quiet for a split second instead

The screams are worse than the shooting. I stopped after seeing the brothers reaction when he opened the door. It's like that Russian brick video.

>Who is even assigning blame here?
The parents.

guns are cool though

white people kill millions of Black people every day user

Ok, but the parents didn't shoot themselves in the video, so I'm confused about how somebody in this video "shot themselves and then blamed white people," as the user suggested

>millions of Black people every day user
dude... millions?

this was a murder suicide right? or a manslaughter suicide? the second shot had to have been on purpose

If only this were true.

yeah that part was wild

Yeah, that's kind of a clear headed thing to do. I would least be in denial for a little bit if I shot someone accidentally

Russian brick video?

Hoodrats are the dumbest motherfuckers on the planet, i'm convinced you could take tribal people from africa and drop them in the USA and they'd do better

I wish

Three different people tried to entwmer the room, why didnt one of them tell the others

Did anons seriously see this video in that one thread and decide to repost it all fucking day?

That's literally happened and exactly the case. One I know for sure is a public speaker.

the poor impulse control of a young woman combined with a deep sudden overwhelming surge of regret and fear most likely

if only

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she definitely realized what she just did and maybe she was in so much shock none of it felt real yet so she was able to put the gun to herself easy without hesitation. Its hard to imagine but i bet those 15 seconds were like a dream.

The dead brother.

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Thought it was a pair of headphones, myself.

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The guy in the hoodie clearly cries out for his mother.

some family driving with the dash cam which is a common thing in russia
they drive behind a truck carrying some bricks and a brick comes off because the truck driver or whatever is a lazy illegally driving cunt and hits the mother of the family through the windshield and explodes her head

Loose brick fell of a truck and bounced of the road through the front window of the car behind killing the passenger.

they clearly did

The only video i've ever seen that made me feel bad for a black american is the one with the dude visiting his buddies grave, these retards hooting and hollering does nothing for me

Lack of belief

It's so sad. He could have been a doctor or a firefighter.

i'd want to see the bodies for myself

Which sector of society is going to suffer because of this happening?

>letting children pose with guns
The more I learn about these people, the more it seems that this incident was inevitable.

a whole family sees the mother get her head split open by a brick that randomly fell from a truck on a highway. Pretty brutal.

you can see hes smart because there is a chess set in the background

these people watch too many movies

lmao the baboon screeching in the back is fucking hilarious
can't make this shit up

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It hit his mother in the head. He starts screaming and crying while driving the car. Its like 2-3 minutes long i think. She dies instantly

No the racists are right for once. You never see white kids accidentally shoot other kids. Its on purpose and highly effective.

the iphone generation is fucking stupid

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I agree with analbeads1233

>give kids a loaded gun to play around with
>they kill themselves
literally what the fuck were they thinking would happen? do these people genuinely not have that parental instinct to protect their kids?

Dont sister murders his own brother by accident. Immediately shoots herself too.

cause they wanted to see some dead niggas like bruh you dumb or what?
its cool

Damn thats rough but wht is she playing wirh a gun in the first place?

looks like a decent house and his clothes arent fucked up or anything. Who was raising him letting him hold guns and shit?

There is an old video of a family driving down the highway in Russia or Romania idk some Europoor country. Then a brick comes through the windshield from a passing truck. You don't see anything except hear the screams from the family and kids crying over their dead mother.

Same I thought it was this or something

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guns are cool

user, why do you think

To look cool on social media, I think she even says she'd get in trouble if she got caught with the gun.