Is it good?

Is it good?

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trannies made it

Nice, should be good then

I wasted countless hours as a kid playing this shit so yea. Crazy that they brought it back

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Trannies made it? Maybe Open Fortress, but I don't think TF2c has a troon problem.

Shame not enough players play it anymore, even more so with Fortress Forever, considering how fucking polished that was.

Last time I tried it there were less than 100 people playing.

sure, its still tf2. Feels smoother in some departments
its just the fact that valve kinda told the devs to cease development "temporarily" so no updates have happened in months, and its probably not gonna change anytime soon.

>demoman is white
fuck off Chud

TF2C is based, i was in a match on the EU server yesterday and i wished i saved the screenshot, but mods were there, one russian dude said nigger and nobody cared

Shame Tyler McNigger tattled like a little bitch
Even though it's a obvious joke, shut the fuck up


Source engine, yes

>tattled like a little bitch
what now?

I'm not the guy to think saying nigger is funny, bur I'd prefer being able to say what I want without the fear of being banned over having to constantly watch my words.

There was a custom weapons server which ended up being the most fun I've had with TF2 in a few years, but then they reduced the max playercount from 24 to 16, and I stopped going since.

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Tyler McNigger is the one who 100% caused the source code leaked that caused the bots, and both TF2c and Open Fortress used some of that code. McNigger being McNigger, wnated to lead both of the mods and got told off even by the OF trannies, so he tattled to Valve for them using the Source Code he caused to be leaked. Everything past that is speculation since the mod teams have said nothing and refuse to say anything, and Valve is Valve. My best guess is Valve is either trying to get the mods of Steam, or just trying to let the teams legally continue development.

okay cool, but wheres the download? official one has been canned.

When it was popular for that good week and a half and the 64 playerslot server were FULL, THAT was probably some of the most fun i've had with this, shame its nowhere near popular enough for that anymore. (even though 64 player servers are laggy as shit)

Attached: STEADY, STEADY.webm (1292x720, 286.14K)

Yeah, nobody found it funny either, hence me saying nobody cared.
The point is that nobody cared, you can shit talk or say slurs and nobody gets banned over it. Its super cozy imo. Also just runs so much better then TF2