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why tf isn't there any game set in the Bronze Age?

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1700-1800 Quebec


Why are there 2 different Thebes?

they were humans
and they had bronze
huh, doesn't sound much interesting

Too little material culture to base visuals on, and even if there was, the oldest history that is still culturally relevant and recognizable to the vast majority of target audiences is Bible stuff, Greco-Persian wars and then Roman Empire. Thank 60's spectacle films for that.

from the first civilizations up until the fall of babylon

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Colonial Australia, but it'll never happen

I want a game about the late bronze age collapse

Historians still don't even agree on what caused it.

They often chalk it down to natural disasters and the sea peoples. Likely causes. It would be fun to speculate though

its universally agreed that there was a mass migration event which brought war and disease and basically collapsed the agricultural output which led to more war and migrations. what they dont fully agree on is who the migrants were

damn fish men

I don't even know any games about the russian civil war outside of maybe battlefield 1

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One is filled with really gay Greeks (the gayest Greeks of all), the other is filled with Egyptians.

Connan was never as popular as lotr.

the fact that you even think the two are comparable shows the damage peter jackson has done

the lord of the rings books were not about war

So one is full of gays, and the other is full of trannies.

Austria-Hungary during WW1 or Berlin during the cold war

30 years war
age of sail
wild west

It will be boring chariot spam.

>why tf isn't there any game set in the Bronze Age?

There's hundreds of games set in bronze age. You're just ignorant.

Make it about the Bronze Age Collapse and speculate about who the Sea People were and why they came and just destroyed everything.

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Thirty Years War definitely needs something like Kingdom Come.

Egeyptians were not trannies, they were furfags;possibly the first ones.