I know you're burnt out and sick of this game too

I know you're burnt out and sick of this game too.

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no I take it slow and just play for an hour or so everyday.

I just checked and you're wrong

i played it for the entire weekend straight and yeah i’m burnt out as fuck

Actually I kinda am, yeah. I'm about 90 hours in and only have a couple of endgame areas left but I'll be pretty relieved once it's over and o can start playing something else. I'll definitely return to it for a NG+ run at some point or maybe start a new character, but right now I'm pretty burnt out.

Nah, but I must be the slowest player out there. Only just got to the Capital.

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get on my level. still haven't gotten to the academy and i started playing on launch.

no i just started my 3rd build, and the build variety is huge so i have many more planned yet to come. i cant put this shit down lol
i know youre just wishfully coping, OP.


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Lmao no

Yeah I don't think I'm going to touch it again until DLC. It's too long for a second playthrough so soon.

Actually I just defeated the Omen Bros at the capital, deciding between Volcano Mansion or the deep root dungeons next. If anything my opinion of the game keeps going up.

Nah I take week long breaks so I'm still feeling fresh in NG+6

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Nope, going on 300 hours.

yet we are still talking about it

Pointless, better to just stay in first play through and make pvp an coop characters. Nothing more souless and lonesome then doing NG+.

Beelined to the Ranni ending after Fire Giant and never looked back. Won't be replaying, won't get the DLC. I'll get back on to help my friends via co-op because that's actually fun. Game is a huge disappointment

Just got to Farum Azula and still having fun. When is this game supposed to get bad again?

Yeah. I've reached Commander Neill and I'm just like fuck this noise.

100hrs in and just got to mountain tops of the giants. +18 weapons and level 150

I'm not. I don't think it's the greatest thing, but it's still fun. They did a lot right.

I just want to get more runes, which caps out at NG+7, then I'll stop and find a nice farming spot, it currently takes 550k runes per level.

Fuck Niall. Just had to zergrush him with collosal swords to stagger wipe his shitty summons and knock him on his ass. Just about. With based mimicbro. Stagger city.

>I dont like the game but I'm still gonna play it.

Mohg's area, Malenia's area, and the dragon are some of the worst game design to ever exist. I enjoy the rest of the game

I did NG+ so I could see the lands between on its calm beauty once more, shits way too fucked up and depressing at the end of the game, the tree is on fire, the roundtable is on fire, all the NPCs dead, and the only ones left are the smithy and the spirit girl, and the smithy has gone mad, went to NG+ and Im sitting on my ass invading everywere untill fromsoft opens up the fight arenas.

Yeah I'm 300 hours in and I'm already almost considering playing something else for a change.
Maybe when the DLC hits I'll play more, PvP isn't really cutting it right now, the meta is way too set in stone for my taste, and co-op is irritating because the hosts keep dying over and over.

No but my girlfriend is really tired of me playing it.

I hate the hosts who force you to sit through boss cutscenes only to get butchered five seconds into the fight.

Stay the fuck back holy shit

blood palace, haligtree and farum azula are 3 of the best zones on the game you tasteless nigger