How would you describe the difficulty balance in ER?

How would you describe the difficulty balance in ER?

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Uneven, and detrimentally so. There's a huge jump from the Fire Giant to the final gauntlet and Mohg/Malenia and I think that drives a lot of people to cheesing them which is probably a less enjoyable experience than learning the fight.
I'm not saying that summons or spells are inherently cheese or illegitimate by the way, but when you get to the level of things like the old hoarfrost stop or the infinite FP azur comet where the AI very clearly isn't programmed to be able to deal with them, or the summons that can completely solo bosses while you sit back and eat a sandwich, I don't believe the people who beat things that way are getting the most enjoyment they could out of the game.

Fucked up, the game is either two easy or bullshit. One area will have a ton of graces around every corner then the next has a sea of the worst fucking enemies and a maze of rooms and hallways with no grace in sight. Late game is just "what if we took the same enemies but made them hit 4x as hard"

It goes from laughably easy (Catacomb bosses) to frustratingly hard (Everyone else).

completely fucking retarded, it dragged on and on and on and on and felt like i was playing a fucking DLC from one of the shitty souls games that tries to save face by giving the enemies huge HP bloat and defence to counter the fact 99% of first time DLC players will have an end game character to go into it

>got my ass beaten hard by the draconic tree sentinel outside of maliketh that I rage quit
>maliketh felt fair and died a couple of times
>didn't die a single time from literal god
>try fighting malenia again
>her sperg move and her second phase fucked me to the point I threw in the towel and respec'd so I could use the rivers of blood katana and leveled up mimic tear

It's fine if you actually use all of your tools to your advantage
It's "bullshit" if you insist on playing it like dark souls, and just try to roll + r1 everything with your claymore 2-handed and turtle shield strapped to your back

I think it's pretty obvious that most people agree that game it schizo unbalanced. It's either way too easy or way too hard. It seems like the design philosophy was:
>Lets give this boss multiple 1 kill moves, infinite stamina and impossibly long unavoidable combos
>but boss that'd be too unfair?
>It's ok they can use spirt ashes to divert all aggro away from them and then just rain down free hits on the boss

hehe benis

Casually dropping gods but still getting one shot by random foot soldiers

It's balanced around spirit summons but stubborn autistic people don't realize this or refuse to accept it.

you can delete the entire game with not a lot of grinding

so bad, but at least it's very RPG-y, but it still is an antithesis to the souls formula.

Fair. Bosses are stronger but so are you. There is a clear progression in boss HP and damage output with an increased number of attack strings. The game progresses with you. This is also the first game i'd argue that isnt designed for SL1 characters to beat ( even though its possible). There is a much wider difference in power between a level 1 and a level 150 compared to other souls games, just as there is a big difference between the Tree Sentinel and Maliketh but both do similar % damage to you according to where you should be in your progression.

>It's fine if you actually use all of your tools to your advantage
It's not though. Using said "tools" takes the game from frustratingly hard to frustratingly easy. People say Sekiro has "hard" bosses, but once you actually git gud it becomes a game you enjoy and feel satisfied playing and actually want to replay the bosses. You can tell From took a lot of effort and pride in balancing them since they added a boss rush mode. With Elden Ring the bosses are amazingly designed and I really want to experience them again, but then I get to the fights and the actual combat side is simply not satisfying due to the imbalance.

I'm sure if you played through the right sequence, you could get a smooth experience. You could easily walk to a higher level region, but they added teleport boxes very early on too. I think a lot of people ended up trying out caelid after getting filtered at stormveil, then stomping liurnia out just because of that one box. It does help in subsequent playthroughs at least, but it feels like the game works to make sure you don't know where you're actually supposed to go.

i spent a ton of time exploring and now i feel like im overleved and can just kill most bosses first try by summoning a mimic tear and doing 3-6 jump attacks, they feel very unsatisfying

Alright. Some of the bosses are obnoxious not for difficulty but for the obnoxiousness of its moveset. Elden beast is shit, maliketh and the gargoyle bosses. Basically anything that's the size of a building but with the agility of a cat. Godfrey, radagon, godrick, and morgott were all pretty good.


How is the progress fair and balanced when during early game when you had low 10-20 HP the bosses either had no or very few 1 shot kills. Yet in the later half when people have 50+ HP bosses and HP adding talisman, damage negating talismans, heavy armour etc.. they have multiple 1 shot kills attacks/undisturbed combo chains?

Yeah they bosses you listed are fair. Although Godfrey still has that shitty input read move where he always attacks as you heal. And Radagon is tied with the Elden Beast so that's automatically a black mark against him. He'd be a cool fight if you could focus all effort and resources on him, but then you have to make sure you have enough shit left over for the absolute tank that's coming. It spoils the enjoyment.

What boss at end game 1 shots you with 50 vigor and plate armor? The only attack I can think of is Malenia's anime slash attack, as well as Radahn's Comet. Those attacks are meant to be avoided, and even then Malenia's attack can be completely cheesed with a +25 shield and one roll or Bloodhounds step. You have access to such items and abilities at that level. Use it. The game should not be designed around you being a level 1 with literally nothing at end game.

Pretty bad. I know it’s a meme but the bosses really do seem like they were intended for Bloodborne or Sekiro combat. You’ll notice immediately that combat feels waaaaaay smoother once you put bloodhound step on your weapons. I think the game should have used the Bloodborne hop instead of the Dark Souls roll.

The game sucks, very few redeeming qualities. A huge disappointment and this is coming from a fan of DS2