Group of teenagers join

>group of teenagers join
>"Hey man you got a mic?"

Attached: 1437757737511.jpg (192x185, 6.6K)

Other urls found in this thread:

no hablo ingles

>unplug condenser mic
>write 'no' in chat

Attached: 1640738124237.png (973x849, 422.09K)

*Gets kicked*

I premute eveyone in mp games. Im smart enough to be able to look at the objective and succeed. Fuck teamwork

dios mio...

owned lol

Why do all white teenagers sound the same?

>group of teenage girls join
>they talk smack while absolutely destroying the lobby except for me
>"hey girls this guy is kind of hard to beat.. so strong"
>"ooooo I bet he's cute!"
Every time.

shut yo ass up

more like that screeching pubescent voice (that somehow doesn't leave even in their 20s now).

Americoid genes

pathetic fantasy is pathetic

>type Yes
>mute them

>group of teenagers make fun of you walking home from work for being bald

Attached: 1623706340072.jpg (640x640, 32.85K)

>Get killed by a zoomer
>Bruh you lowkey doggie water no cap skill issue lmao
how do you respond without sounding mad?

lmao baldie

rip your hair
F fr fr on god deadass

send a bear to kill them

And then you watch the zoomer implode

>Reports you
>You get banned
>Money stolen

>"Why not"?

rule 3 goodbye racist piece of shit

>playing shit games

why are you faggots so scared of voice chat?