Black kween takes over Limgrave after you kill that toxic white male Godrick

>black kween takes over Limgrave after you kill that toxic white male Godrick
What did Miyazaki mean by this?

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Unironically kys.

>final boss to kill is a tranny
oh wow Miyazaki, very bas-
>Tranny is revealed to be the real hero and you have been following the instructions of the real villain, a conservative white biological female
why do people like this game, this storytelling is last of us 2 tier.

>white male Godrick
He was tranny wearing woment clothes that groveled at the feet of women. He does not deserve to be caled male

They both of the Golden Lineage.

She's not even black, why do you niggers always need to make up shit to get upset at? Isn't this the reason anons hated feminist's and trannies when they came up with the dumb rape culture shit?

Uh, hate to break this to you Zanzibart sweetie, but GRRM published all of the characters' tax policies in the artbook.

Malenia instituted a progressive income tax and is against industrial tariffs. That makes her a Democrat.

Don't talk about my sex doll like that.

>That makes her a Democrat
In america, yes. But this game was made in japan, where that would make her conservative

>twitter nu speak
Sorry bro speak in real words and maybe you wont sound like a pol shill that obseses over race

Godrick is the son of Marika while Nepheli is the daughter of Horah Loux the first Elden Lord thus showing that only male lineage matters

And i was here thinking fromdrones couldn't look more like a bunch of childish fucks, guess i was wrong.

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who would you rather have? KENNETH HAIGHT????????

GRRM is American though, which means the Lands Between are American by birthright citizenship

I know right. We gottem though.

its okay when japan does it

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>not turning her into an onahole for your bro seluvis
never gonna make it

kys cuck

All she did in my game was cry the entire playthrough, at the Roundtable

Did you get the Stormhawk King?

>look at the mentally challenged people
>be jealous of how much attention they get
>adopt this attention seeking attitude while claiming to be "better" somehow
>profit attention

Looks like I still missed a ton of content, even though I went everywhere on the map..
Still, my biggest gripe about the game is not even receiving any hints or something in order to proceed with the quests. I think I've failed a lot of quests because I never found any ofthe npc's again that went on a journey by themselves.