*ruins your game in your path*

*ruins your game in your path*

Attached: death rite bird.jpg (1117x645, 53.7K)

Met him for the first time last night. What a pain, I hope there's only the one.

That's not even the hard one

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that doesn't even make any sense.
how can an abstract idea like game quality physically block a path?

That's the hard one? Took me like 5 tries. Just got to roll into this crotch and smack him. Then roll 90 degrees when he does that fire AOE so you aren't standing in the fire and can heal.

At least holy damage fucks it up real good.

Didn't ask, don't care plus, you're white.

itt: retards who don't craft and can't rush to get the Death Poker and steamroll the early game with it

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Met 3 already, and I'm like halfway trough the game.

I kept trying to fight on horse to cheese that fucker only to find out it's easier to just roll.

Someone actually used crafting?

B-but I'm trans!

Only high IQ people use crafing, so just 0.1% of the playerbase.

>mohg's great rune and 7 ritual pots
I have serious doubts that you are low level

This is one of the easiest bosses to cheese though.

Holy pots are available in the first 10 minutes in Limgrave, running to Caelid to snag the death poker is one of the common sequence break strategies

>World boss
>there's only the one
Oh no no no

What's the strat?

You didn't actually beat the game.

>Buy the Cookbook 1 from Kale and the pots
>Get Tarnished Sunflowers and shrooms
>Craft pots
>Rush to Caelid
>Throw them in the bird's dumb face for 2K damage
>Get Death Poker

So, weak to holy damage?

Very, holy water pots in particular delete the birds, I guess it's because unlike most sources of holy damage their base holy multiplier is extremely high.

The west mountaintops one has the moveset and stats of a fucking main boss its insane.
Pretty sure it could beat a lot of the main bosses in a fight.

>one shots you

I've barely touched the pots since early game, are there other places where various granade concoctions work well as weapons?

I liked the fight.
The weapons you get are cool to, too bad they kinda suck.

Like everything else, he's not so bad..

Attached: Elden-Ring-Wraith-Calling-Bell.png (200x200, 12.84K)

The annoying thing about night bosses is having to go through the process of going into night if you die to them.
The bell bearing hunters are even worse since you have to exit and sit again for the merchants to despawn and trigger the fight

They're pretty easy except for the one shot frost attack

>throw holy pot
>it just fucking dies