Elden Ring

>nomadic merchant race
>they claim to be victims of a genocide conducted by the germanic peoples of Leyndell
>they play friendly with all sides of the political spectrum in the Lands Between
>they worship "Shabriri" (google that name)
>they enthrall innocent people to do their bidding (frenzy villages)
>they emotionally manipulates Tarnished warriors in order to trick them into becoming puppets for their agenda
>killing them is objectively beneficial (allows you to have all their shops in the Roundtable Hold)
What was Miyazaki getting at with this?

Attached: 1647942833670.jpg (655x603, 194.97K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Why are you faggots still talking about this shit game? It's been a month, find some other crap.
>in all fields

Seething Nigtendrone.


>germanic peoples of Leyndell

seethe and dilate

Attached: 1648164369810.webm (960x872, 2.91M)

woow deepest loore gooys!!
also what the fuck does the lic have to do with your post?

Jews bad. Everybody with sense knows already

>demon of blindness
Videogames make you metaphorically blind confirmed

>this thread again

This post was typed by jewish fingers.

>To render Shabriri powerless before drinking, say the incantation "Shabriri. Beriri. Riri. Jiri. Ri. I am thirsty for water in a white glass." The reduction of his name causes him to shrink in size and vanish.

They don't worship Shabiri, though it's possible shabiri is one of them
They don't enthrall people or spread madness.

They're the original summoner of the frenzy flame some of them are in on it and work as it's agents, some aren't. Originally Kale was going to travel around and find out and lose his mind from the truth.


Attached: 1647238116692.jpg (2500x2298, 1.62M)

That's the setting of DLC 1


Attached: Tarnished wojak.jpg (1600x896, 461.19K)

Who controls the rune market controls the tarnished


>They don't enthrall people or spread madness.
Yes they do, did you miss all the places where random NPCs are controlled by tye frenzy flame? There's also literally an item description that talks about people feeling enthralled by it.

Kneel to Godfrey

I remember getting in trouble in school when we had to draw stars and I drew them like that