Now that the dust has settled, was Venom Snake a better human being than "real" BB? Not talking about leadership qualities, purely by moral standards.

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Depends on how you play him.

>it's been close to 7 fucking years since MGSV released
>in two years we can rightfully spam the "I'm afraid it's been 9 years" meme

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But more importantly, Huey was ultimately right about BB in the end, wasn't he?

define morality


>Anonymous 09/01/24(Sun)
>The magic words, Boss.
>I've been waiting nine years to hear them.
>C'mon, say it for old times' sake.

>"Kept you waiting, huh?"

>It's really you, Snake.
>All these years without (you)
>I knew this day would come.

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The Boss is the main moral compass of MG series. Her meme is a definition of morality.

I miss 2015 and 2016 so fucking much bros...

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Man I still remember when this game was new

>tfw servers are still up and running, new events are dropping each week
When will jewnami kill them I wonder

He goes a long with all of BB's schemes till the very end but he's retarded so I guess he gets some slack?

Hell I remember when MGS1 was new. 1998 was a good year for games.

Reminder that PW > V

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Bold of you to assume BB isn't retarded.

about BB maybe, but not Venom, which is the point

Bantz with the boys

I think BB is genuinely autistic or something since I played mgs3

True enough, but it's not like he knew about the ruse. His fears however were justified. Should've point his anger at Eli though.

>believes in Santa Claus
>has unironical special relationships with cardboard boxes
>too retarded to understand the Boss' will until 10 years later
No doubt about that

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