Now that the dust has settled can we all agree that this was the peak of FromSoft?

Now that the dust has settled can we all agree that this was the peak of FromSoft?

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man, i was looking forward to playing Dark Souls 3 after finally beating this game. I started a week ago and its nowhere near as enjoyable.

dark souls 3 is just elden ring with anorexia and leukemia, its really hard to even touch now

DS1 > Elden Ring > DS2 > DS3
This is the only correct opinion, anyone who disagrees is a faggot like OP and should summarily kill themselves.

its not hard to see that theres been a decline ever since they drank the "prepare to die" kool aid. i cant see the appeal for Elden Ring, as I'm not too giddy on open world when I know its the same barren experience as any other game. I'd honestly like it if they went with Archstones/Gravestone for traversal. Anything past DS3 is superfluous.

Where would you rank Demon's Souls in all of this?

playing it for the first time after ER and despite the obvious glaring flaws (somehow feels slower and jankier than DS1) it's got a lot more charm than I was expecting. Majula may be one of my favourite town/hub areas since Tristram.

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>tfw there's no single place in elden ring that captures the atomsphere of majula, heide's tower, no man's wharf, shrine of amana or dragon aerie

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Yeah, people ragged on this game for fucking years, but as someone who's played since DeS, its been the smoothest time I've had with a Souls game to date. My only negative times Ive had with it is not really understanding where to proceed next and running into a boss to get my shit kicked in, only to find out that I went into a DLC area. Hell, I didnt even know to go back to the Throne of Want to fight Nashandra until I had looked it up, and by the time I did it, I steamrolled the bitch.

Altus is close, but it's not as homey

to be fair to Elden Ring, I think its hard for other Souls games to have an area to compete with Majula, especially if we were comparing home bases. I like The Nexus, but I'm a bit biased.

Darklurker was certainly an infinitely better designed double boss fight than Ornstein and Smough, who were not as far removed from Throne Watcher and Defender as people would like to think.

Exact same situation here. I can't tell which one I prefer yet but the tone sure is massively different. I see now why people say it's "just bloodborne enemies".
I'm pretty much playing it like it IS Bloodborne. Two fast weapons no shield just dodge and slash

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Majula is seriously the comfiest hub in dark souls why cant elden ring use a an interactive hub like majula

if they didn't rank it it means they are a newfag and didn't play it

Demons souls and dark souls 2 are the best souls games ever. I dont count sekiro as a souls game

One thing I had to get used to is how different 3 handles poise than 2. Flinching after every hit you take threw me for a loop, and then there's the Lothric Knights that are just the Heide Knights but introduced early as some tongue in cheek "not this time" to get you to not get comfortable fishing for backstabs.

>yeah lets post the same cherrypicked meme images 1000th time, that'll show em

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majula a shit. nexus for life

It really is a shame it has the shittiest bosses, wonkiest mechanics and some of the worst levels in the entire series. Whoever came up with ADP deserves to be shot.
And I'm still amazed they somehow made the Iron Keep worse with Sotfs, it was already a garbage level in normal DS2.

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it’s sad to see people call it garbage. it’s a genuinely good game. some areas are straight trash but the game is absolutely worth playing

It was the most fun for me. But ER gives me a lot of DS2 vibes, and I love it. People bash DS2 for the jank, the shitty graphics and ADP, but if you can get past that, it's really great.

I was going to post the same thing. I'm glad I'm not the only one to think like that.

You know for a fucking fact that if Elden Ring had given us areas that "captured the atmosphere of X, Y, and Z" from their previous games, retards would make thread after thread with subjects like
>it's just a rehashed , how lazy can FromSoft be? FromDrones BTFO
I liked Majula and The Gutter, but I wouldn't want to play game after game after game with areas that "captured the same atmosphere" that I've already played. I want developers that make new shit, not churn out the same thing with a vowel replaced.

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and that's a good thing

It doesn't have to be a carbon copy. Those areas in DS2 are peak atmosphere, and no from game has managed to deliver better areas after that.

not him but I’d rank DS1 and DeS the same in terms of quality

i prefer all of des, bloodborne, leyndell, siofra and limgrave