Filters Any Forums

>filters Any Forums

Attached: MARILITH.jpg (2560x1440, 289.06K)

Filtered by performance, please tell me a patch is coming

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Almost finished the game, I still have like 2 chapter to do or something, and this probably was my favorite boss of the whole game so far. amazing ost as well.

I'm more filtered by EGS. Yeah I could pirate but i wanna buy Jack's game, just not on EGS.

i bought a PS5 copy as a backup in case the PC port sucks (it does but I powered through it on PC anyway) and just pirated it on PC

I DON'T GIVE A FUCK WHO YOU ARE. I just killed Lich. Tiamat is the hardest so far.

This game is a mess on PC user, wait till they fix the poor performance

I was pissed when I went looking and found out it was bought up by egs. I hate epic games so fucking much tim is a walking tumor. Tried to paint himself as some sort of savior for pc gaming and just fucking ruins it instead

Pffff I beat that bitch on my second go
Just used blood fists and attacked her with monk fists and beat her to a pulp felt great.

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Shut the fuck up and talk to me again when you defeat Chaos in at least any of the FFI remasters, zoomer.

who. is. he.

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>mogs your favorite class

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I just use it for the heal

cool for weapon variety but it's no sage

Passed the few earlier boss with it but falls off hard in late game

>blood weapon
it's gamer time

>finish SoP on CHAOS 300
>go back to Elden Ring on NG+4
>combat feels boring as shit
>immediately go back to SoP
This game's gameplay is way more fun and ruined Elden Ring for me.

>monks your favorite class

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for a second i thought this was a screenshot of a nioh2 transform

lol pathetic attempt