Is it really that good?

Is it really that good?

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no, it's better

I try to be cautious of overhyping any videogame so I guess I would say no.
I did really enjoy Bloodborne though. Probably my favorite of this style of game.

will probably filter you if you go in blind, so look everything up like you'd do with every souls game

the main character looks cool

When it comes to atmosphere it's one of the best. The gameplay is fast paced but not as difficult as other From games once you understand the stagger and rally systems.

It's very good, but the community has dwindled over the years. You usually have to wait for ages if you want to do the multiplayer activities with random people. I played through it with an IRL friend, but not everyone will be able to do this.

Yeah play it

>unstable 30fps


Nightmare of mensis is always good for invading

The fps complaint is pure, distilled cope. The games makes up for that shortcoming in so many ways.

ive never played a game with more SOUL

FPS is one thing, but personally the loading screens were getting on my last nerve.

The acid pits make it an annoying place to invade.


Yes, even the DLC is good.

With the DLC, yes. Without, absolutely not. It's pretty ridiculous how good BB is. Going from Dark Souls and Dark Souls II to how fluid BB plays is mindblowing. Even returning to it after Elden Ring, it is completely unique.

It's a PS+ collection offering on PS5 amidst other games which get a 60fps boost. Its time for an update is overdue.

It’s really not. I’ve beaten bloodborne an unhealthy amount of times and my biggest complaint is that it has shit anti aliasing and sub 30 FPS dogshit. Just literally port it to PC and new gen and we’re good.

The Old Hunters was kind of boring. Base Bloodborne is amazing with or without it.

>on PS5
Try on PC.

There's no way in hell I'm buying a PS5 when I only own like 5 PS4 games.

i went in blind and beat it recently. it's probably the easiest fromsoft souls game by far.