Arkham Origins

I'm playing pic related and not liking very much. All batman games are interactive movies where you only click one button to defeat all your enemies?

Attached: Arkham Origins.jpg (492x623, 28.29K)

this is christmas kino though so you're clearly a sicko for not liking it

this game was pretty good as are all the rocksteady batman's. this one gets overlooked but it holds up really well

im batman

AO has 'cinematic' boss fights that are nearly impossible to beat on hard mode because you're literally supposed to be able to see the counter icon flash in those and hard mode removes that and the devs didn't even realize they become broken. That's the only real thing I hate about it

you press 2, sometimes 3 buttons get gud

It's fucking shit when you compare it to Arkham City.

it's definitely not shit but arkham was better, sure

>you're literally supposed to be able to see the counter icon flash
No. You're supposed to read the telegraphs. Not having the prompt is what makes it "hard mode". In previous eras of gaming that would just be "normal mode".

What does it matter? At least the rule 34 of Arkham games is good

Pressing one button to progress is an option for women and game reviewers. If you want faster fights with more flair you build long combos with strikes and stuns as well as the occasional counter.

No, it sucks. It's all Harley Quinn, Catwoman and Poison Ivy. Nobody likes those character but manbabies. There's a shocking lack of even Batgirl r34 much less some of the more decent female characters from the games.

Firstly WB Montreal decided to put the Menu Screen options into the Batcave. The Batcave is only accessible through fast travel which is already something you don't want. It is barebones and limiting; since this was an attempt at something new it could have been amazing, but instead it was underwhelming.

So what did they do with this new Batcave hub? They turned it into a menu screen where you activate quests, change your bat outfit, and play the challenge rooms. All that was streamlined into menu select in the previous games since it served no purpose in the world, but WB Montreal decided to hide this select screen as a supposed 'new' feature of the world.

So not only do they stuck players into fast traveling in-world to access these side options, they hide it behind something as iconic as the bat cave as to suggest there would be something more. All it does is break up the pacing by making players stop by every know and then to get important quest items rather than having it airdropped at your location like in the previous games.

So about that, what about fast travel? Well fast travel is bad game design, it only exists when it has to as a necessary evil. Yet a big portion of the game is structured around unlocking towers to gain access to the fast travel locations.

Well what, is the world a massive open world? No, but there is a long bridge... :(

The developers designed this world by slapping on the Arkham City map and then connecting it to a lesser inspired version of that map via a long bridge. A long bridge with nothing. To compensate they add wirings that allow you to grapple boost across but all the bridge does is force you to fast travel. Once you have unlocked the fast travel point in both Islands you don't need the rest, they are just filler.

Tower unlocks in games like Assassin's maps are like whys very bad.

>No. You're supposed to read the telegraphs.

You completely misunderstand. AO has 'cinematic' boss fights. You are literally. supposed to watch and wait until the counter icon comes up, the boss fights were designed around this. This is the only game in the Arkham series that does this and you can play Rocksteadys games with zero issues just fine on hard mode.

it's better than city
don't let anyone tell you differently

>AO has 'cinematic' boss fights.
Are you sure about this? I'm trying to remember the boss fights and the only "cinematic" one I remember from the whole game is electro fisto man and it's a joke fight that batman ends with a single kick to the head. Deadshot is a stealth room and the rest of them are just stand up fights using regular gameplay mechanics with some slightly flashier moves and set pieces and that's it. I'm pretty sure if I could be bothered to look there's almost certainly dozens and dozens of video of people flawlessly beating all the boss fights on hard mode with no issues stemming from the loss of prompts on youtube.


His fight is telegraphed to fuck. You're not screwed without the prompts at all. You're making out like it's QTEs and you're fucked without the pop up when in reality a character attacks Batman and you just push the counter button as you would in normal gameplay.

DLC was better than main game. Buggy mess. Boring prequel.

You really are having a hard time wrapping your head around this one aren't ya. I'll just go ahead and assume you don't play on hard mode at all and have never played AO and leave it that.

That's because it's the weakest in the series no matter what contrarians will tell you.

No, you're talking shit. Countering is a basic mechanic of the gameplay. You're always countering people in the Arkham games. The prompt is just about making it easier for the less talented gamers. The Deathstroke fight is no different. He has attacks. You can counter them. The countering in his fight is consistent with countering regular enemies. Even if you fuck up the counter it's not like an instant loss or anything. You just take some damage and the fight goes on.

Diff devs cunt.