How would you fix the story?

How would you fix the story?

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remove emo birb

No Meteion redemption
No Emet

Noone cares about the story in an MMO.

no anime birdloli introduced quite literally halfway through your supposed big story climax expansion that ties everything up

make it end
garbage game
sterilize yourselves

Introduce/allude to Dynamis and Meteon's existence in a previous expansion

Also Final Days at full scale and actual damage to the world.

>no monster invasion in multiple zones like 1.0
Even WoW did it for Sneedolands

Ummm turn your tank stance on okkkk????

It's most likely because of the devs' "muh important linear singleplayer plot" design philosophy, rather than being too lazy to implement it. Having the Final Days play out for new sprouts would kind of spoil shit, unless they made separate overworld instances for players doing EW content, which'd be pretty janky. Regular MMOs can get away with bigger overworld events because the story and background lore are supposed to be in the service of the gameplay, rather than the other way around. Every player already knows what's going on and supposed to play catch up to current events.

Everyone complains about Meteion but can't explain what they would replace her with to make the story better.

And no Lavos would have been worse

Just use Ra-La, makes more sense that the retarded bird.

Extend zodiark to real final boss. Make it so he really was the cause due to ancients fucking up communication withn the planet.
Get rid of zenos midway and focus on crazy boi wanting the world burn. Bring the scions along for final fight instead of the bullshit fake sacrifice. Cyrstal dumb bitch lets you kill her for power to kill zodiark. Kill zodiark in grand this isnt my final form style, put in some of the primals and ancients for cameo were helping fix it. Happy jrpg end done move on back to adventure exploration.

The plot points themselves are good. The only issue is pacing.
>Trim the fat off early Thavnair
>Early Shar/Lab is fine
>Garlemald up to Zodiark is almost objectively perfect
>Pretty much entirely cut the bunny base on the moon
>Thavnair pt2 is perfect
>Elpis is perfect
>Cut a lot of the fat from Laby pt2
>Ultima Theule is mostly perfect, only gripe is that none of the Scion deaths had impact because you knew from the moment Thancred unceremoniously disappeared that everyone was going to bite the dust then come back
>basically everything from Graha disappearing to the very end was perfect

Basically just remove everything about the loporrits

and make the savage tier actually good

>bullshit fake sacrifice
Why do they keep doing that? It's like they saw everyone jerking off over FF4 and thought "yep, we need to keep doing that shit forever".

Apologize right now

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>actual Final Days everywhere
>one or more Scions die for real
>cut Sharlayan part 2
>actual fight with Hydaelyn instead of a dumb suicide test
>no Elpis, do it via some other means
>Meteion doesn't live

>People have to die just like in my marvel movies because they just do okay

Cut the Emet fanservice that took a fat shit all over the emotional weight of Shadowbringers.

give more info on what the fuck zenos is doing and why he's a reaper now like they said they would

>allude to Dynamis in a previous expansion
omega, drk 70 quest

>Extend zodiark to real final boss.
shadowbringers already had you take out the core of zodiark (seat of sacrifice) and fight a big scary evil thing (hades) so zodiark was always just going to be a formality

Both of those things were done. You're confused because you're a lobotomized mutt that thinks "allude" means "hold my hand and have an NPC explicitly talk about a thing for at least 10 minutes so I'm not confused and there's no mystery".

The "drama" of the XIV story is a joke since it's a theme park status quo game so there can be no meaningful consequences for anyone's actions. Literally the only thing they have is the stakes of your supporting cast, but nobody buys that because they keep coming back.

They wouldn't just kill off an iconic character they sell merch of retard

who do I petition to let me use bard music inside of an instance or at the very least places like bozja/eureka

>t. "God I'm so glad they kept this character alive for like twenty years."

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All the problems with the story are in Stormblood and Endwalker spent a lot of time rectifying those old mistakes. So one could argue Endwalker would have been way better if it didn't have to carry that baggage.

no one
When you try to explain cosmic horror it just falls flat

They should stop pretending to kill off characters then, it's just annoying

>Everyone is sacrificing themselves for you omg the sad music bro!!!
yeah yeah just bring them back already so I can have a trust party for the upcoming lvl 90 dungeon

Like other anons mentioned, they just needed to foreshadow her more. Meteion feels kind of iffy as the final boss of the entire game because she's a new character who gets introduced towards the end of the final expansion, compared to all the Ascians who were there from the very start. Additionally, she's just a physical manifestation for something vague like all the despair in the universe, a symbol rather than a proper character with her own agenda. Meanwhile her finale feels a bit too much like a retread of Emet's in ShB: we chase the villain to their hideout, while learning about lost civilization(s), culminating in almost 1:1 rehash final dungeon where the villain narrates how the world(s) ended. Except Meteion doesn't get the screen time or charisma of Emet.

Dynamis also feels a bit iffy because before EW, Omega raids are the only part where you could argue it's implied that there exists another form of energy apart from aether. Similar thing with Fandaniel: there just happened to be this psychopath Ascian we never heard about before his reveal in ShB post-game and hey guess what he's also that one ARR minor boss whose name no one even remembers so this was totally foreshadowed! Even if we assumed this entire plotline was planned all along during SB's design phase, it can still feel a lot like the writers just asspulled an explanation for the Final Days.

>The "drama" of the XIV story is a joke since it's a theme park status quo game so there can be no meaningful consequences for anyone's actions.
It's absolutely the worst with post-ARR / HW Ul'dah. Lets just wrap up this entire big sequel hook we used for our trailer with what amounts to a side quest, and by the way none of the drama that happened actually happened!

>hey guess what he's also that one ARR minor boss whose name no one even remembers
Lorelets don't get an opinion.

>since it's a theme park status quo game so there can be no meaningful consequences for anyone's actions.
user it's a Final Fantasy game. There's only like three that actually kill off major party members.