Unironically how do I git gud?

Unironically how do I git gud?

Attached: Dark_Souls_Cover_Art.jpg (256x330, 54.67K)

>block attack
>attack back
ez game

turn the game off

>Dont be shit
>hit enemy
>keep HP above 0

Take it slow first time you explore somewhere and be curious. In combat focus on learning enemy behaviour and ignore trying to deal damage, only how to dodge. Try to only dodge when necessary and as little as possible.

>Don't forget to upgrade your weapons and armor
>Always be managing your stamina
>If you haven't encountered the boss/enemy before, study their attack patterns
>Experiment with alterntaive damage types

You need to backstab everyone just like in real life.

Die and die again

buy the heater shield from the merchant in undead burg and practice parrying the hollows. proceed to wreck black knights and gwyn

drake sword into lightning spear

Everything you can do to improve is considered cheating now so the actual recommendation is to "be good" not "get good" that is have better reflexes.

then you start to
you are now better than any game journalist and can enjoy the series

>what is an obvious forced meme

I just got into this game after quitting it like 8 times because really it's a janky fucking heap of garbage.

But once you get past that the game is pure soul. Also getting a black knights sword from my 2nd dark knight and upgrading to +3 certainly helped a lot. Also I cheated a bit and found out about the undead merchants katana which also helped my early game incredibly since I was whatever the dex class is. I also have the dark knights great sword from my first kill but I won't get to use that for a while

Kill dark knights (backstab them endlessly), kill Havel for his ring, and upgrade your weapons. The more humanity you have the better the drop rate..

Just git gud
It's amazing how easy the game becomes once you git gud scrub

Grab the zweihander from the graveyard

You hold up a shield and circle strafe around 99% of the enemies in the game and backstab them.

do not panic roll and use every item the game gives you


This is my first souls game too.. does this hold true for most games like this? I'll probably be playing through ds1, 2 and 3, nioh, sekiro and such and am wondering how this place compared to others

waste 2000 hours until you can play the whole game blindfolded and unarmed like me, god im so good

I miss when armor was actually useful.

Get the drake sword. It's OP.

>does this hold true for most games like this?
No, they became aware of the issue and developed solutions to prevent that to somewhat differing results. 2 has probably the worst solution where huge enemies spin like they are on a rotating display.

put on the stone armor and trivialize literally every boss until Ornstein and Smough
two-hand your weapon and stunlock the enemies

use Power Within during boss fights, it is blatantly overpowered

It's slightly nerfed in 2 because you have to be more accurate with your backstab because it can whiff, the enemies do a better job keeping you in front of them, and there's generally more enemies per encounter that will hit you from the sides or get behind you. Some of the enemies also have horizontal sweeps or backstab counters like the turtle shell guys. And in 3 enemies are just way faster. But backstabbing is still always useful.

legit advice
int/fai can swap for enchanted falchion or occult club as appropriate

get black knights halberd and press R1

Ah I noticed that with Capra demon where even running past he'll just twist as fast as you move around him when he's in attack animation. Which was a bit annoying

Learn to use a shield.

power within and magic weapon