Elden Ring has a nomadic race of "merchants"

>Elden Ring has a nomadic race of "merchants"
>the merchants claim to have been victims of a supposed genocide that involved many of them being burned to death (arguably orchestrated by themselves)
>they worship a literal demon from j*wish mythology (google Shabriri if you don't believe me) and sacrificed countless innocent people to him, ultimately seeking to destroy the entire world out of hatred for the other races
>they play nice with all sides of the political spectrum in the Lands Between in order to achieve this goal and emotionally manipulate Tarnished warriors so they can trick them into becoming weapons for their cause
So uhh... what did Miyazaki actually mean by this?

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Other urls found in this thread:


That you're a cuck


we will fight the greater will

take your meds op

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If what you say is true young tarnished, then... no they would have needed fire incantations far in excess of what was available to Leyndell at the time. I simply believe six million far too high a count, and urge you to reconsider thine association with these merchants, tarnished.

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In this thread, user learns about historical allusions.

Why does the turtle have a dunce hat?

Read it in his voice


I love this stupid turtle

I haven’t killed a merchant but do they turn into ash upon dying like other things?

I don’t get it

Yes. Killing them is actually really useful. You get their bells and just make a one stop shop at the roundtable.

holocauster tycoon

Okay maybe he ate shit and raped some people but that many? I just don't think that's possible.

if this is the dlc area then it doesn't look like there is enough room for a cool area

Attached: Untitled.png (655x603, 912.21K)

One of the earliest eye witness reports of Auschwitz claimed there was a rollercoaster that would take you from arrival to the gas chamber then to the ovens. There was a lot of retarded shit in the death camp testimonies, that's where that video of the officers comes from, they're not laughing at people dying they're laughing at how retarded and fantastical some of the claims were.


>Hover over name
>1 subscriber
No, I don't think I'll click that to see a webm and user made in video form
Instead, here is said webm, for user's viewing pleasure

Attached: 1648230593781.webm (960x872, 2.91M)

They were buried alive though, not burned by Leyndell.

Hot take: all the water is the site of a removed province, possibly where nokstella and the other hidden cities used to stand.

Nobody believed them right?

bro just look from the top of any divine tower there's nothing there

You misunderstand. It's a city in the clouds.