Ashen One vs Hunter vs Tarnished

Ashen One vs Hunter vs Tarnished

Who is stronger?
(Lore wise, not in game stats/values)

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hunter because he has a strap

Good answer

Ashen One is the weakest, because it's from the weakest entry of the series

Technically I think Sekiro is the weakest of all the protags

all of them are undying
the question should be who could be the first to cancel the undying effect of the other
what have the tarnished and the ashen one to do for the hunter to no longer respawn and the other ways around.
not a lorebro enough to calculate that shit.

Hunter is definitely the strongest he can also literally turn into a beast or an alien.

Hunter is on some next level shit with his passive vampirism and speed. He also has greater feats of killing literal abstractions of nature as opposed to ""gods"" who are just mortals who take more than your average amount of hits.

Hunter has a Gatling gun and a full cannon. Hunter can turn himself into an ayylmao and tentacle fist them. Hunter is /fa/.

they're all gay and insignificant compared to the Raven, Anatolia's Merc and Strayed
>die to radiation poisoning
>die to the air shockwave from an AC overboosting 50 km away
>die to a small handgun bullet bigger than Midir
>die from being faggots of inferior game series

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>sekiro is the weakest but is the only one that can sever the immortality that all of the others seem to have

yeah because sekiro isnt a soulshit power fantasy

They most certainly wouldn't fight and even if they would they wouldn't fight to the death. These three would most likely make a party and dominate the world where they are.

>deflecting the sword of a fucking dragon isn't power fantasy

All video games are a power fantasy

Bloodborne Hunter isn't really comparable because they end up battling literal eldritch cosmic deities and reality warping abstractions instead of typical champions and earthly deities of other Fromsoft games

Sekiro is soulshor power fantasy, just a slightly more grounded soulshit power fantasy, ya fucking goof

Sekiro isn't even a souls game

Is there anything in the lore to suggest that BB's cosmic entities are more powerful than DS/ER's "gods"?

They would need to fulfill they're adjacent respective roles in order to 'kill' them
Tarnished would have to kindle the flame using Ashen One's lord soul
Ashen One would have to join the night of the hunt and ascend, killing the Hunter in the process
Hunter would have to seek to become elden lord, usurping the grace from the Tarnished.

>actual immortality not "muh bonfires/its just a dream bro/muh grace"
>gives everyone dragon aids
>sword whose job it is to kill immortal things
retard lorelet

and gameplaywise, wolf is just fucking cheating because of deflect and his speed

Who do you think has the best shot at doing all these?
I imagine if this battle ran into ilwhat seems like infinity at least one of them would be able to reach all the requirements before the other 2 could keep up.

His name is also Wolf, but you didn't say anything about that
Didn't he struggle with that enemy on the bridge? He doesn't have the feats imo to even keep up. At best he just won't die.